Using the echo pattern to range a sound source

M.B. Porter
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92152, USA
S.M. Jesus
UCEH - Universidade do Algarve, PT-8000 Faro, Portugal
Y. Stephan
X. Demoulin
Centre Militaire Oceanographique - SHOM, Brest, France
E. Coelho
Instituto Hidrografico, Lisboa, Portugal

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Ref.: in Proc. of First International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Paris, January 1999.

Abstract : One of the currently exciting areas in SONAR research is in the use of acoustic channel models to imrpove SONAR systems. In this paper, we use the echo pattern at a single phone to localise a sound source in both range and depth in the ocean. To make the localisation robust, the signal processing is set-up with particular regard to which acoustic features are realible and clear encoders of the source position. The resulting algorithm was tested using experimental data collected during the INTIMATE'96 - a shallow water experiment conducted on the Portuguese continental shelf. The results show successful tracking over a period of several days encompassing two fixed 25-hour stations and an 18-hour period of ship manoeuvres.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: this work was partially supported by PRAXIS XXI program under project 2./2.1/MAR/1695/95.