JONAS logo JONAS - Joint Framework for Ocean Noise in the Atlantic Seas

D4.1 - Acoustic data gathering stations

R. Duarte and S.M. Jesus
LARSyS, University of Algarve, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal

Comments: download pdf
Ref.: JONAS Deliverable 4.1, February 2020

Executive summary:
JONAS addresses the impact of underwater noise on sensitive species and the potential threat to biodiversity, in the EU North Atlantic area. With this in mind, the main objective of this report is to assess the installed capacity for the available acoustic data recording stations, their technical specifications and the potential to meet the requirements of action A4.2. This report will focus on two aspects: on the data availability for noise map calibration purpose, and on the recommendations for the production of raw acoustic data files. The complete inventory of the data gathering stations with their characteristics and specifics, from the hydrophone input up to data formatting and availability is made. The evaluation of the potential to meet the requirements of action A4.2, taking into account the North Atlantic Area specificities is also performed. Based on the stations inventory it was possible to define an operational year and to propose data technical level recommendations for instrument calibration and measurement methodology.