Basin scale simulations of Ocean Acoustic Tomography in the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone

O. Rodríguez,
SiPLAB - FCT, University of Algarve
Campus de Gambelas,
PT-8000 Faro, Portugal

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Ref.: SiPLAB Report 03/02, University of Algarve, 2002.

Abstract: The main purpose of this internal report consists in developing a general and brief discus- sion of technical and experimental techniques of Ocean Acoustic Tomography, followed by a simulated study of application in the sub-basin of the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (hereafter called as the Portuguese EEZ), lasting between mainland Portugal and the AØcores and Madeira archipelagos. The discussion will be based on a bibliographic review, regarding proposed and/or experimental applications of Ocean Acoustic Tomo- graphy to the monitoring of small (coastal), mesoscale, sub-basin and basin areas of the ocean, corresponding to around 10 km, 100 km, 1 Mm, and more than 1 Mm ranges, respectively.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: this work was partially  supported by ATOMS project (FCT, Portugal).