Objectives: of this sea trial fullfil the general requirements of RADAR project (namely tasks 3 and 4 of the Technical Annex), to serve as final demonstrator of AOB-JRP, to acquire data to support the HFi-JRP work group and to perform an engineering test under UAB project:
  1. to acquire acoustic LF (< 2 kHz) data for testing the network tomography concept for shallow water rapid environmental assessment;
  2. to acquire environmental data (both seafloor and water column) for ocean modelling, acoustic forecast and validation of inversion results;
  3. to acquire acoustic HF (10 - 20 kHz) data to support HF tomography concept;
  4. to acquire underwater communications data in MF and HF bands;
  5. engineering test of the Transmit - Receive Array (TRA) system (UAB).