Input and output files

Bellhop input files (with extension *.env) are required to be compatible with Kraken (a normal mode model) input files. Thus some of the parameters are not used to perform the ray tracing. The general structure of the *.env input file used by Bellhop is as follows:
Frequency (in Hz)
nmedia    (dummy integer < 20)
nmesh sigmas z(nssp)       |
z(1) cp(1) /               |
z(2) cp(2) /               |  Sound
 .    .                    |  Speed
 .    .                    |  Block
 .    .                    |
z(nssp) cp(nssp) /        _|_
OPTIONS2 sigmab            |  Bottom 
BOTTOM-LINE               _|_ Block 
nsources     (number of sources)                     |
source-depth(1) source-depth(nsources)     / (in m)  |
nrd          (number of receivers x depth)           |  Array
receiver-depth(1) receiver-depth(nrd)      / (in m)  |  Block
nrr          (number of receivers x range)           |
receiver-range(1) receiver-range(nrr)      / (in km)_|_
OPTIONS3                                             |
nbeams       (number of launching angles)            |  Output
theta(1) theta(nbeams) (launching angles in degrees) |  Block
ray-step  zmax  rmax                                _|_
OPTIONS4 epmult rloop isingl                         |  Beam
nimage ibwin component                              _|_ Block

OPTIONS1 is a five-character string enclosed in single quotes. Here it follows the description of each character:

The parameters nmesh and sigmas are not used by Bellhop, while the parameter z(nssp) is used to detect the last point of the sound speed profile. The values of z() and cp() correspond to depth in m and P-wave speed in m/s.

OPTIONS2 is a two-character string enclosed in single quotes. Here it follows the description of each character:

OPTIONS3 is a five-character string, which describes output options. Here it follows the description of each character:

Orlando Camargo Rodríguez 2008-06-16