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Current projects:

TRIDENT-Technology based impact assessment tool for sustainable, transparent deep sea mining exploration and exploitation
TRIDENT is funded under the EU Horizon Europe Research program. TRIDENT aims to contribute to a sustainable exploitation of seabed mineral resources, by developing a reliable, transparent and cost-effective system for prediction and continuous environmental impact monitoring of exploration and exploitation activities in the deep sea. This project is funded with approximately 17 Meuro for 60 month. Starting date: January 1, 2023. Partnership: INESCTEC, Porto-Portugal (coordinator) and 25 other European institutions. CINTAL is involved in machinery noise measurement and analysis. People involved from CINTAL/SiPLAB: S.M.Jesus, O.C. Rodríguez, R. Duarte and others to be contracted. [more...].

ACTTHUN-Acoustic and computer vision technique for non-invasive estimation and monitoring of bluefin tuna biomass and its behavior in different acoustic landscapes
ACTTHUN is funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). ACCTHUN aims at developing methodologies and techniques for improving the bluefin tuna (BFT) wild stock estimation addressing two main challenges: to obtain a reliable estimation of the number, dimensions and weight of captured individuals and to provide fishery-independent abundance indices for wild BFT. Also, to provide knowledge about the influence of underwater soundscape on BFT, characterizing the pressure and particle motion fields, describing the related BFT behaviour. This project is funded with approximately XX euro for 36 month. Starting date: September 1st, 2022. Partnership: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) Spain, (coordinator) and several other institutions. People involved from CINTAL/SiPLAB: S.M.Jesus and others to be contracted. [more...].
See terminated projects for detailed information about past projects executed at SiPLAB.
Project publications
* F. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Vector Hydrophone Passive Time Reversal for Underwater Acoustic Communications", (abstract), in IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2022, Chennai (India), (pdf), February 2022.
* R. DUARTE, C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, "Anthropogenic noise predictions for light seismic survey off the SW Portuguese coast", (abstract), IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2021, (pdf) October 2021.
* O.C. RODRIGUEZ, R. DUARTE and S.M. JESUS, "PAM2Py: a Python tool for sharing of ocean soundscape data", (abstract), Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol.44(1), 070011 (pdf), October 2021 (doi).
* F.B. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "Double wiener low SNR communications in an upwelling environment", (abstract), Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol.44(1), 070026 (pdf) November 2021 (doi).
* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor (DAVS2) at the Alfeite Arsenal Tank", (abstract), Rep. 05/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July (draft stage).
* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor", (abstract), Rep. 04/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.
* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration methods for Vector Sensors", (abstract), Rep. 03/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.
* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "DAVS User Manual", (abstract), Rep. 02/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), user examples (zip), March.
* S.M. JESUS and A.P. HUGHES, "Data report of the EPPO’2019 experiment: acoustic detection of fish behavior", (abstract), Rep. 01/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.
* S.M. JESUS, "A simple detector for passive acoustic monitoring of ocean noise", (abstract), Rep. 04/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), December.
* S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic pressure and particle motion power spectrum estimation with Matlab", (abstract), Rep. 03/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.
* S.M. JESUS, L. MAIA, F. XAVIER, R. VIO and E. VALE, "BIOCOM’19 experiment data report: particle motion measurements", (abstract), Rep. 02/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.