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BIOCOM, Publications


* S.M. JESUS, F.C. XAVIER, J. OSOWSKY, R.P. VIO, M.V SIMÕES and E.B. NETTO, "Acoustic particle velocity measurements near a rochy shore off Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), accepted in Conf. on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Den Haag (The Netherlands), July.

* F.C. XAVIER, L. CALADO, N.G. SILVEIRA, L.P Naval-Xavier, E.B.F. NETTO, A.D. KASSUGA and S.M. JESUS, "The influence of the upwelling regime in rocky shore bioacoustic signature off Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), accepted in Conf. on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Den Haag (The Netherlands), July.

* F.C. XAVIER, L. CALADO, N.G. SILVEIRA, R.G. MENEZES, E.B.F. NETTO, A.D. KASSUGA and S.M. JESUS, "A nonlinear model for rocky shore bioacoustic signature off the Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), accepted in Conf. on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Den Haag (The Netherlands), July.

* L.P. MAIA, H. OSOWSKY, F.C. XAVIER and S.M. JESUS, "The influence of upwelling in underwater communications of Cabo Frio island", (abstract), Underwater Acoustics Conf. (UACE'19), Knossos (Greece), June (invited).

* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, A.G. GUARINO, J. OSOWSKY, R.B. FlORENCIO, R. P. VIO, E.B.F. NETTO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Year round rocky shore soundscape off the Islando of Cabo Frio", (abstract), Underwater Acoustics Conf. (UACE'19), Knossos (Greece), June (invited).

* V.J. BARROSO, R.C. MORAES, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Upwelling effect on acoustic propagation in the Cabo Frio Island Bay", (abstract), Int. Conference on Acoustics (ICA'19), Aachen (germany), September (invited).

* F.B.LOUZA, L.P. MAIA, V. BARROSO, J.OSOWSKY, M.V. SIMÕES, F.C. XAVIER, E.E. VALE, R. VIO and S.M. JESUS, "Communications and Biological Monitoring Experiment in an Upwelling Environment at Cabo Frio Island Bay", (abstract), submitted to MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2019, Marseille (France), June.


* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, L. CALADO and S.M. JESUS, "A influência da ressurgência costeira na assinatura bioacústica da Ilha de Cabo Frio, Arraial do Cabo, RJ", (abstract), XIII ETAS - Encontro de Tecnologia em Acústica Submarine, IpQM, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), (pdf), November.

* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, L. CALADO, E.B. NETTO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Rock shore bio-acoustic signature in Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica-TECNIACUSTICA'18, Cadiz (Spain), October.

* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, E.B. NETTO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Soundscape of benthic fauna off Cabo Frio Island under upwelling regime", (abstract), 2nd Oceanoise Asia Conference, Hakodate (Japan), June.

last update: 15-Apr-2019

