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Past sea trials:

JONAS - Azores'22 field calibration experiment

Pico in the background

June 20-24: recover and assess data from three moorings in the Faial-Pico area. Three EAR recorders, 2 SR1 and one M35 Geospectrum vector sensor, for ocean sound calibration and marine mammals tracking in the southwest and norteast approaches to the Faial-Pico shallow channel.

JONAS - Azores'22 field calibration experiment

May 19, 2022: deploying EARs and UALG acoustic receivers in the Faial-Pico channel during Azores'22 sea trial. EARs on board motor boat, prior deployment:
Pico in the background EARs ready for deployment

***See deployment video***

AQUAEXCEL3.0 : April 20-29, 2022 particle motion recording, Mazarron and Ametlla del Mar (Spain)

The recordings involved the SiPLAB developed vector sensor DAVS1 recorder deployed in a red tuna aquaculture tank at ICRA facility in Mazarron from April 20-27.
on wall

On April 29, the DAVS1 was deployed in a offshore cage of red tuna aquaculture in Ametlla del Mar during a session of tuna sacrificing, where approximately 60 300+ Kg tuna were executed and processed in 3 hours. The objective was to determine the particle motion impact of "lupara" (the underwater gun used to execute tuna) shoots on divers.
off Ametlla

EMSO-PT : Nov 24, 2021 Engineering test, Vilamoura

The testing involved a bottom tripod with the Geospectrum M35 vector hydrophone and the Marsensing developed recorder. A Lubell 916C sound source was deployed from the PUMA catamaran, either at fixed locations or towed along isobathymetric or cross-bathymetric routes. A CTD was used to gather sound velocity in the water column. Water depths were varying from 15 to 30 m.
M35 916C CTD

Bioacoustics experiment in Ria Formosa

mussels sound tripod in Ria Formosa

In the framework on the course of Bioacoustics (Master of Marine Biology) students have deployed an acoustic recording device and a CTD over a 24 hours period, near a bivalve aquaculture farm in Ria Formosa Natural Park, near Faro beach. Both tidal related mussel generated sound and anthropogenic noise of passing by boats was recorded together with dissolved O2 and other environmental parameters. People involved from CINTAL/SiPLAB: S.M. Jesus and R. Duarte and the Bioacoustics students.[more...].

SAVE-WHALES: Aug 1-8, 2020: monitoring sperm whales southwest of Crete, Greece

On board a sailing boat with marine biologist Alexandros Frantzis and his team for monitoring cetaceans and validating detection - validating data received on the three SWAN buoys in Sougia bay, installed by FORTH under SAVE-WHALES project
testing components in Sougia

JONAS acoustic receiver crossing from Azores to Canary Islands

iFADO and JONAS collaboration on waveglider launch in Horta

January 1, 2020: PLOCAN waveglider almost arrived in Gran Canaria, after ~1700 km and 1 month and 19 days at sea, under a collaboration with the iFADO project. See the last kms of the vehicle here, and more about the JONAS project here or the generic project web page here.

BIOCOM'19 - Bio Communications sea trial

This IEAPM - UALG joint experiment took place in the bay of the I. of Cabo Frio, Arraial do Cabo (RJ,Brasil) from 14 to 18th January, 2019. The objective of the experiment is to gather data to support the research being carried out in the IEAPM lead Biocom project, namely, acoustic communications transmissions, soundscape and particle motion data to characterize the biological ecosystem off the Cabo Frio Island. The correlation biological activity with the upwelling regime is of particular interest.
People involved from UALG: S.M. Jesus.

Deploying a CTD probe during Sea Grass in Corsica, 2013

SEAOX'18 23 - 30 September 2018

A SEAOX sea trial took place at the STARESO - Station de Recherches Sous-marines et Oceanographiques in Corsica (France). The experiment is conducted under project SEAOX (PTDC/EEIPRO/ 2598/2014), which aims at using the properties of sound propagation in ocean water as a proxy of the amount of oxygen bubbles to monitor the photosynthetic production of marine plants. See here for a description of a previous experiment in that area carried out in 2011 and 2013 under SENSOCEAN project.
People involved from CINTAL: P. Felisberto, J. Parente, S. Jesus and from CCMAR: J. Silva and R. Santos.


WiMUST'18 (Port of Sines, 21-28 January 2018)

was the final project sea trial having the collaboration of all partners. It took place in two areas: inside and just outside of the Port of Sines, encompassing all aspects of vehicle navigation, guidance and control, underwater communications and seismic acoustic signal recording and analysis.

People involved from CINTAL: P. Felisberto, P.J. Santos and F. Zabel.


WiMUST'17 (Port of Sines, 17-21 July 2017)

was a project wide sea trial with the collaboration of all partners. It took place in a protected inner bay of the Sines Port encompassing all aspects of vehicle navigation, guidance and control, underwater communications and seismic acoustic signal recording and analysis.

People involved from CINTAL: P. Felisberto, P.J. Santos, S.M. Jesus, C. Soares, A. Mantouka and F. Zabel.


REX'17 (Tejo river, 10-14 July 2017)

SiPLAB participation on REX'17 took place out of the Alfeite Naval Base in the river Tagus in front of Lisbon, under the organization of CINAV (Portuguese Navy), INESC-TEC (Porto), Marsensing, University of Porto and University of Algarve with the support of the PT-Navy. During the sea trial a number of robotic and ocean observation equipment were deployed and tested, involving surface vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, underwater localization and tracking systems and vector sensors
People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto, P.J. Santos, S.M. Jesus and F. Zabel.
Data report: abstract, PDF.
Data repository:
Related publications:Test plan

Sines Port

WiMUST'16 (Port of Sines, 21-25 November 2016)

took place in a protected area of the port of Sines (southwest of Portugal). It involved all project partners, encompassing all aspects of vehicle navigation, guidance and control, underwater communications and seismic acoustic signal recording and analysis. See video

SEAOX'16 - EPPO tank experiment

The experiment took place at EPPO station in Olh\tilde ao from 26th to 28th July 2016. The objective of the experiment was to gather a preliminary data set for the development of the acquisition systems, data processing methods and models. The results show that the oxygen production of Zostera marina community gives rise to a visible acoustic signatures in low frequency signals, acoustic backscatter and ambient noise, that can be explored to evaluate and quantify the oxygen production as bubbles. Read here

People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto, A. Silva and J. Parente.
Related publications: ASA paper and/or Oceans'17 paper


EDELWEIS'14, 4 - 11 August 2014

EDELWEIS'14 took place in the Ionian Sea, area off of the Island of Zakinhtos (Greece) along the Hellenic Trench, a known location to encounter sperm whales communities during this period of the year. According to the actual plan the experiment used the R/V Nereis from Pelagos Institute. During the sea trial two AOB - Acoustic Oceanographic Buoys (CINTAL) were deployed for whale listening and localization algorithm testing.
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus and F. Zabel.
Activities: online log
Data report: abstract, PDF
Data repository: (to be made available)
Related publications: Test plan


SENSOCEAN-REX'13 4-6 July 2013

REX'13 took place in the area of Sesimbra (Portugal) with the participation of CINAV (Portuguese Navy), INESC-TEC (Porto), Marsensing, University of Porto and University of Algarve aboard the landing craft NRP Bacamarte. During the sea trial a large number of robotic and ocean observation equipment was deployed and tested involving surface vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, gliders, underwater communications modems, underwater localization and tracking systems and acoustic hydrophones. Breaking news of the event can be seen here (in portuguese).
People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto, S. Ijaz, B, Jiang, F. Zabel and P. Santos.
Data report:
Data repository:
Related publications:


SENSOCEAN 29 April -10 May 2013

The SENSOCEAN sea trial took place at the STARESO - Station de Recherches Sous-marines et Oceanographiques in Corsica (France). The objective is to test the recently developed vertical vector sensor array (VSA) )for determining bottom and sub-bottom geoacoustic properties using the unique characteristics of the VSA, namely its compact size and directivity gain in the vertical direction. The system will also be employed to test whether it can be used to measure Seagrass oxygen production during its daily cycle and how it affects the propagation of sound in the ocean. The received acoustic signal can be analysed to infer on the oxygen production on a given transect.
See here for a description of a previous experiment in that area carried out in 2011.
People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto, P. Santos, O. Rodríguez and F.Zabel.
Data report: abstract, PDF.
Data repository:
Related publications:


AcousticRobot'13, 5 - 8 May 2013

The AcousticRobots'13 sea trial took place in the area near Sesimbra (Portugal) and has the objectives of demonstrating the usage of sea going robotic vehicles to perform ocean noise mapping in areas where sound sources have a large spatial and temporal dynamic and variability, in the framework of project Robonoise-QREN, as well as to demonstrate the usage of acoustic devices in underwater robots (in this case a glider) for underwater acoustic communication, to increase its positioning accuracy or to perform acoustic tomography operations in the framework of project COGNAT- FCT. See an online documentary here.
People involved: A. Silva, F.Zabel, C. Soares from Cintal/Marsensing as well as other partners from Escola Naval and INESC-Tec (Porto).
Data report:
Data repository:
Related publications:


SeaGrass 10-19 Oct 2011

This is a sea trial at the STARESO - Station de Recherches Sous-marines et Oceanographiques in Corsica. Our objective is to measure how the Seagrass oxygen production during its daily cycle affects the propagation of sound in the ocean. The received acoustic signal can be analysed to infer on the oxygen production on a given transect [ online blog].
People involved from UALg: P.Felisberto, F.Zabel and C.Martins.
Data report: Report 04/2011.
Data repository: none
Related publications:

UAN logo

UAN11 23-28 May 2011

This sea trial took place in the Trondheim Fjord (Norway) in the workframe of the UAN project. This test comprised the deployment of a number of communication nodes including AUV's, fixed nodes and communication arrays in order to obtain a realistic representation of an adhoc underwater acoustic network. It will involve efforts from various research groups at CINTAL (Portugal), ISME (Italy), Kongsberg (Norway), SINTEF (Norway) and SSI(Italy)[ online info].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva, F. Zabel, C. Martins and Usa Vilaipornsawai.
Data report: here.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

FP7 logo

OAEx'10 November 2010

This sea trial took place off Cabo Frio region (Brazil) in the workframe of the OAEx project. This test comprised the deployment of a number of acoustic and non acoustic assets near and off the coast. The idea is to explore the capabilities of acoustic signals to estimate the static and dynamic characteristics of the area, prone to a strong upwelling regime from the south.
People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto, P. Santos, N. Martins and S. Ijaz .
Data report:
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

UAN logo

UAN10 6-25 September 2010

This is a sea trial that took place nearby Pianosa Island, off the italian coast, South of Elba I. in the workframe of the UAN project. This test will comprise the deployment of a number of communication nodes including AUV's, fixed nodes and communication arrays in order to simulate an adhoc underwater acoustic network. It will involve efforts from various research groups at CINTAL (Portugal), ISME (Italy), Kongsberg (Norway), from NATO Undersea Res. Centre (La Spezia, Italy) and from the Italian Navy [ online info].
People involved from UALg: A. Silva, F. Zabel, C. Martins and Usa Vilaipornsawai.
Data report: here.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

Multiple array channel identification

WEAM - Phitom joint Sea Trial 22-25 June 2010

This sea trial took place off the port of Vilamoura (Portugal) from 22 - 25 June 2010 with the aim of testing field calibration techniques for the WEAM project and performing communication transmissions to/from drifting multiple receivers for testing both channel geometry compensation time-reversal techniques as well as diversity combining techniques underthe Phitom project. This common experiment took advantage of common equipment to be used in both projects and the fact that different frequency bands are being used allowing for a best optimization of time and resources. Equipment included two free drifting AOB's and CINTAL's mid and high frequency suspended sources [...more].
People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto, F. Zabel, C. Martins and F. Lopes and other personnel from WEAM and Phitom partners (WEC and ISR-Lisboa).
Data report: Report 04/2010.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

Foreseen deployment for Pico experiment

PICO 2010 June 2010

A noise measurement test took place off the Island of Pico (Azores) nearby the wave energy generator facility in June 2010. This test is foreseen under the WEAM project as a preliminary step for characterizing the propagation of acoustic noise generated in the ocean by wave energy generators [...more].
People involved from UALg: P. Felisberto and other personnel from WEC and Marsensing.
Data report:
Data repository:
Related publications:

STU deployment

UAN Eng. Test March 2010

This is an engineering test that took place off the port of Vilamoura (Portugal) on March 17, 2010 with the aim of testing the base station hardware developed under the UAN project. The base station is composed bya 16 hydrophone array, a telemetry unit and a Kongsberg modem. This system will be deployed as show in the figure, and communication signals will be transmitted from another boat using either the Kongsberg modem or a dedicated sound source [...more].
People involved from UALg: A. Silva, F. Zabel and C. Martins and personnel from other UAN partners.
Data report:
Data repository:
Related publications:

TRA configuration

UAB'07 Sea Trial 2 - 16 September

This sea trial takes place in the Hopavagen Bay and Trondheimsfjord in Norway from September 2 to 15, 2007, involving the University of Algarve (UALG) and the Ocean Acoustics team from NTNU (NTNU). The objectives of the experiment includes testing a transmit receive array newely developed at SiPLAB, and its usage as acoustic barriers for detecting underwater intruders and underwater communications (MIMO) [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva, F. Zabel and C. Martins.
Data report: Report 05/2007.
Data repository: none
Related publications:

Deploying ADCP, RADAR 07

RADAR Sea Trial (RADAR'07), 9-16 July 2007

The RADAR'07 sea trial took place on the Portuguese Continental Shelf off the town of Setúbal, 50 km south from Lisboa. This sea trial involves teams from the Hidrographic Institute of the Portuguese Navy, the NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), La Spezia, Italy, the company Heat Light and Sound Research (HLS), Sand Diego, USA, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Stennis, USA, and the University of Algarve (UALG), aboard two research ships: the NRP Auriga and the NRP D. Carlos I from July 9 to 16. The objectives of this experiment are centered on ocean acoustic tomography, both low frequency using the network tomography concept (UALG) and high frequency for detecting features such as internal waves and sea currents (NURC). Other topics include ocean circulation prediction (NRL), underwater communications and time reversal testing (HLS,UALG) [...more].
People involved from SiPLAB: S.M. Jesus, C. Soares, F. Zabel and C. Martins.
Data report: Report 04/2007.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

AOB2 in BP07

Blue Planet Experiment (BP'07) Apr 20 - May 2, 2007

The BP'07 sea trial took place in the area South from Elba Island in Italy, from April 20 to May 2, and involves two oceanographic ships: the HrMs Snellius from the Dutch Royal Navy and the NRV Leonardo from the NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC, Italy) and research teams from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, TNO, the Netherlands Royal Navy College, NURC and University of Algarve. [...more].
People involved from SiPLAB: S.M.Jesus, C. Martins and F. Zabel.
Data report: Report 03/2007.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

Lubell recover

RADAR Sea Trial (RADAR'06) July 7 - 13, 2006

The RADAR'06 sea trial took place on the Portuguese Continental Shelf off the town of Nazaré, approximately 100 km north from Lisboa. This sea trial involved teams from the Hidrographic Institute of the Portuguese Navy, the University of Lisboa (FCUL) and the University of Algarve, aboard the research vessel Auriga, from July 7 to 13, 2006.[...more].
People involved from SiPLAB: S.M. Jesus, C. Soares, N. Martins, F. Zabel and C. Martins.
Data report:
Data repository:
Related publications:

KM crane

MakaiEx sea trial Sep 11 - Oct 2, 2005

This sea trial took place off the Island of Kauai in Hawai (USA) from Sep 11 to Oct 2, 2005 aboard the research vessel Kilo Moana. This experiment involved a large number of institutions with the overall objective of testing high-frequency acoustic methods for environmental based underwater communications, HF tomography, underwater MIMO, HF matched-field processing, time-reversal or PPC based communications, etc, [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva and F. Zabel.
Data report: Report 04/2005.
Data repository: none.
Related publications: see also here.


ATOMS'04 sea trial 22 - 26 October, 2004

This sea trial took place off the cape of St. Vincent (Portugal), the southwestern most point of Europe from Oct 22 - 26, 2004 aboard the NRP D. Carlos I, with the participation of Instituto Hidrográfico and several teams from the University of Algarve (SiPLAB, EST and CIMA). The objective was to observe in situ and with acoustic tomography the upwelling filament structure off the west coast of Portugal. In fact only the oceanographic observation part was achieved due to the weather conditions in the area and in this period of the year. An example of an observed filament is shown here. [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva, P. Felisberto, L. Farinha and C. Soares.
Data report: none.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

Sound source

MREA'04 sea trial 6 - 11 April 2004

This second participation of SiPLAB on an REA took place during 6-11 April 2004, in an area off the portuguese west coast, south from Lisbon. SiPLAB was able to deploy its acoustic equipment including the ULVA array and the newly developed AOB to form a tomography network and provide environmental online estimates for inclusion in REA small scale models. This experiment took place under the AOB-JRP project. [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva, P. Felisberto, C. Soares and L. Farinha.
Data report: Report 02/2005
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

MREA03 hydrophone

MREA'03 sea trial May 28 - June 26, 2003

This sea trial was organized by the SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia (Italy), in the area north of Elba Island, off the italian Tuscany coast, from May 28 to June 26, 2003. That was primarely set as an oceanographic sea trial for REA, as a preliminary equipment test under the upcoming AOB-JRP, to start on January 1st, 2004. The objective of SiPLAB participation was to test the new Acoustic-Oceanographic Buoy (AOB) concept for REA. An AOB prototype was deployed and succeded to acquire acoustic data transmitted to onboard ship via a wireless lan connection for imediate processing. [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva and C. Soares.
Data report: Report 04/2003
Data repository: none
Related publications: see (pdf).

Lisbon bridge from D.Carlos

INTIFANTE'00 sea trial 9-29 October 2000

This sea trial was organized by Cintal, under the workframe of projects INTIMATE and INFANTE, with however the scope of acquiring acoustic data to support also projects TOMPACO and ATOMS. The sea trial took place in the area off the town of Setúbal, approx. 50 km south from Lisbon. Two vessels from the portuguese Hidrographic Institute (IH), Portuguese Navy, participated in the sea trial for deploying and recovering acoustic and oceanographic equipment. Other participating institutions were: ISR-IST, Lisboa, IH - Lisboa, and ENEA, Italy. [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, A. Silva, C. Soares and C. Lopes.
Data report: Report 02/2001
Data repository:here.
Related publications:

DELFIM catamaran

INTIFANTE'99 sea trial 2-23 July 1999

This sea trial was organized by Cintal, under the workframe of projects INTIMATE and INFANTE. The sea trial took place in the area off Setúbal, approx. 50 km south from Lisbon. The NRP D. Carlos I of the portuguese Hidrographic Institute (IH), Portuguese Navy, participated in the sea trial for deploying and recovering acoustic and oceanographic equipment. Other participating institutions were: ISR-IST, Lisboa, IH - Lisboa, and DERA, UK. [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus, C. Soares and C. Lopes.
Data report: no data report available.
Data repository: none.
Related publications:

Soliton during Intimate98

INTIMATE'98 sea trial June 1998

This sea trial was organized by CMO-SHOM (France) in collaboration with the University of Algarve, the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), the Hydrographic Institute (Portugal), and DERA (UK), under the work frame, or as a continuation, of project INTIMATE. The sea trial took place in the Gulf of Biscay in several working areas for shallow and deep water deployments. Two vessels from the French and UK Navies participated in the trial.
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus and P. Felisberto.
Data report: no data report available.
Data repository: here.
Related publications:

CTD from Andromeda

INTIMATE'96 sea trial 14-19 June 1996

This sea trial was organized by SiPLAB, under the workframe of project INTIMATE. The sea trial took place in the area off the town of Nazaré, approx. 100 km north from Lisbon. Two vessels participated in the trial: the survey vessel "Andromeda" from the portuguese Hidrographic Institute (IH) and the "D'Entrecasteaux" from EPSHOM, France. Other participating institutions were: Saclantcen, La Spezia, Italy, IH - Lisboa, and CMO/SHOM, France [...more].
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus and P. Felisberto.
Data report: no data report available.
Data repository: here.
Related publications:

MAST logo

MAST2 project sea trial March 1994

This sea trial took place in the Strait of Sicily in March 1994 on board NATO NRV Alliance under the guidance of the Seabed Acoustics Group of SACLANTCEN, La Spezia. NRV Alliance was towing a 156m long - 40 hydrophone - 4m spaced horizontal array, for estimating sea bottom geophysical properties; cw signals in the 100-200 Hz frequency range were transmitted from a towed source; a system measuring the deformation of the array shape under tow was included in the instrumentation.
People involved from UALg: S.M. Jesus and P. Felisberto.
Data report: no data report available.
Data repository: here.
Related publications:

last update: 03-Jun-2024

Data repository (public data sets)

Acoustic data collected during Event 2 (Julian day 289 -October 16, 2000), only receiver 8. The emitted signal is provided together with additional geometrical information (source and receiver depths, gps logs, water depth along track, etc...). Data is avaliable here. Generic sea trial information can be found in this paper

Saclantcen 4-hydrophone portable array acoustic data for: Event I (5 min), Event II (5 min), Event III (all run). Source ship tracks are given as well as one CTD file for each run. Water depth track is made available for Event III (down slope range dependent). Data is avaliable here. For additional information see publications by Porter and Stephan.

This is a subset of the data acquired on March 4, 1994 in the Strait of Sicily, during the MAST2 Project with a compass-tilt meter-press sensor instrumented 40-hydrophone towed array receiving bottom returns from a simultaneously towed LF J15 sound source (more details about the experimental setup here). Acoustic data: 25 min; array shape data: 25 min; GPS navigation and water depth along track: all experiment; Sound velocity: 1 cast made during the acoustic runs. Data is avaliable here.

Additional reading: