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(last update on December 23, 2024)

* G. SPADONI, R. DUARTE, C. SOARES, M. FERNANDEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Common dolphin's shipping noise risk assessment on the Portuguese coast", (abstract) Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol.211, 117415 (pdf) February (doi).


* A.A. SILVA, J. CASTRO, A. CID, S.M. JESUS and F.L. MATOS, "Influence of Dolphin-Watching Tourism Vessels on the Whistle Emission Pattern of Common Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins", (abstract) Oceans 2024, 5, 770–784 (pdf) October (doi).

* R.S. VIEGAS, F. ZABEL, J. GOMES and A. SILVA , "Spiral Beacon Calibration and Experiments for Underwater Localization", abstract IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2024, Singapore pdf April (doi).

* N.A. CRUZ, A. SILVA, F. ZABEL, B. FERREIRA, S.M. JESUS, M.S. MARTINS, E. PEREIRA, T. MATOS, R. VIEGAS, J. ROCHA and J. FARIA, "A demonstrator for future fiber-optic active smart repeaters", (abstract) IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2024, Singapore (pdf) April.

* R. DUARTE, F. ZABEL, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Soundscaping using a smart cable prototype off the coast of Portugal", (abstract) IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2024, Singapore (pdf) April.

* L. JUNIOR, O. RODRIGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Ocean noise field-calibration constraints for deep sea mining", (abstract) IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2024, Singapore (pdf) April (doi).


* G. SPADONI, R. DUARTE, C. SOARES, M. FERNANDEZ and S. JESUS, "Seismic survey risk assessment for the common dolphin population in the south-western coast of Portugal", (abstract), on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations, Springer, (pdf) September (doi).

* C. SOARES, F. ZABEL, P. SANTOS and A. SILVA, "Comparing noise vessel azimuth tracking with a planar hydrophone array and a single vector sensor", (abstract), in INCREASE'2023, Faro (Portugal), (pdf) July.

* S.M. JESUS, R. DUARTE, C. SOARES, M. FERNANDEZ, "Assessing risk of noise pressure on marine life using Bayes estimator", (abstract), on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations, Springer, (pdf) July (doi).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, L. ZGANG and X. CHENG, "Search Space Reduction for Localization and Tracking of an Acoustic Source", (abstract) Signals 2023, 4(3), 478-488; , (pdf) June (doi).

* R. VIEGAS, F. ZABEL and A. SILVA, "Underwater acoustic spiral source : pool tests and calibration", (abstract) IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2023, Limerick, Ireland (pdf) June.

* R. VIEGAS, F. ZABEL and A. SILVA, "In-Lab demonstration of an underwater acoustic spiral source", (abstract) Sensors, 23, 4931, (pdf) May (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, M. ROMAGOSA, I. CASCÃO, R. DUARTE, F. ZABEL and M.A. SILVA, "Broadband excess noise estimation via sample distribution field calibration", (abstract), on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations, Springer, (pdf) May (doi).

* H. GAZZAH and S.M. JESUS, "Estimating longer modal functions using shorter vertical arrays in a closed-form manner" (abstract), Forum Acusticum, Torino (Italy), (pdf) September.


* S.M. JESUS and O.C. RODRIGUEZ, "Estimating excess noise from deep sea mining: a simulated test case", (abstract), IEEE/MTS Oceans, Limerick (Ireland), (pdf) June (doi).

* S.M. JESUS and R. DUARTE, "Ocean sound estimation with SMART cables", Workshop on marine mammal ship strike mitigation, Faial (Azores). January 24-26.


* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, M. ROMAGOSA, I. CASCÃO, R. DUARTE, F. ZABEL and M.A. SILVA, "A Methodology for Shipping Noise Field Calibration and Excess Noise Estimation: the Azores Case Study", (abstract), J. Mar. Sci. Eng. (JMSE), 10, 1763, (pdf) November (doi).

* M.A. TIEPPO, E. PEREIRA, L.G. GARCIA, M. ROLIM, E. CASTANHO, A. MATOS, A. SILVA, B. FERREIRA, M. PASCOAL, E. ALMEIDA, F. COSTA, F. ZABEL, J. FARIA, J. AZEVEDO, J. ALVES, J. MOUTINHO, L. GONCALVES, M. MARTINS, N. CRUZ, N. ABREU, P. SILVA, R. VIEGAS, S. JESUS, T. CHEN, T. MIRANDA, A. PAPALIA, D. HART, J. LEONARD, M. HAJI, O. de WECK, P. GODART and P. LERMUSIEUX, "Submarine Cables as Precursors of Persistent Systems for Large Scale Oceans Monitoring and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operation", (abstract) IEEE/OCEANS conference 2022, Hampton Roads, USA, 17-20 (pdf) October

* M.S. MARTINS, N.A. CRUZ, A. SILVA, E. PEREIRA, S.M. JESUS, T. MATOS, F. ZABEL, L.M. GONCALVES, B. FERREIRA, A. MATOS, C. FARIA, M. TIEPPO, "Network Node for ocean data exchange through submarine fiber optic cable repeaters", (abstract) IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2022, (pdf) Hampton Roads, VA, USA, 17-20 October.

* A. SILVA, "Influence of dolphin-watching tourism vessels on the whistle emission pattern of common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins", (abstract), MsC report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* M.R. KLOSNER, "Passive Acoustic Localization of Sperm Whales to Facilitate Ship Strike Avoidance", (abstract), MsC report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* R. VIEGAS, D. POZZATTI, F. ZABEL and A. SILVA, "Integrated approach for modeling acoustic propagation and projectors/hydrophones electronics", (abstract) IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads, VA, USA, 17-20 (pdf) October.

* A. SILVA, A. HUGHES, D. POZZATTI, F. ZABEL, R. VIEGAS, and M. S. MARTINS, "Development of a high-power multilayer PVDF acoustic projector for 40 to 80 kHz band", (abstract), IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads, VA, USA, 17-20 (pdf) October.

* T.C.A. OLIVEIRA, P. NIELSEN, Y.-T. LIN, N. KUSHIDA and S.M. JESUS, "Megameter propagation and correlation of T-waves from Kermadec Trench and Islands", (abstract), Front. Mar. Sci. 9:1009013, (pdf), October (doi).

* F.A. BOZZI, "Vector sensors for underwater acoustic communications", (abstract), PhD report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* F.B. LOUZA, "Low probability of detection underwater acoustic communications", (abstract), PhD report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* F.A. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Vector Sensor Steering-Dependent Performance in an Underwater Acoustic Communication Field Experiment", (abstract), Sensors, 22 8332 (pdf), October (doi).

* F.B. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "Superimposed training passive time reversal for low SNR communications", (abstract), submitted to IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., July.

* F. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Joint Vector Sensor Beam Steering and Passive Time Reversal for Underwater Acoustic Communications", (abstract), in IEEE Access, (pdf), Vol.10, pp.66952 June (doi).

* F. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Experimental Demonstration of a Single Acoustic Vector Sensor for JANUS Performance Enhancement", (abstract), in 6th Underwater Communications and Networking Conf. (UCOMMS), Lerici (Italy), (pdf), September.

* F. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "Low probability of detection underwater communications using a vector sensor", (abstract), in 6th Underwater Communications and Networking Conf. (UCOMMS), Lerici (Italy), (pdf), September.

* S.M. JESUS, R. DUARTE, G. SPADONI, C. SOARES and M.FERNANDEZ, "Towards a risk assessment Bayes estimator", (abstract), Aquatic Noise Conference 2022, Berlin (Germany), July.

* G. SPADONI, R. DUARTE, C. SOARES, M. FERNANDEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Seismic survey risk assessment for the common dolphin population in the south-western coast of Portugal", (abstract), Aquatic Noise Conference 2022, Berlin (Germany), July (poster).

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, M. ROMAGOSA, I. CASCÃO, R. DUARTE, F. ZABEL and M.A. SILVA, "Broadband excess noise estimation via simple distribution field calibration", (abstract), Aquatic Noise Conference 2022, Berlin (Germany), July (poster).

* F. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Vector Hydrophone Passive Time Reversal for Underwater Acoustic Communications", (abstract), in IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2022, Chennai (India), (pdf), February (doi).


* O.C. RODRIGUEZ, "Fundamentos de Acústica Submarina", (abstract), Universidade do Algarve, Python examples, November.

* T.C.A. OLIVEIRA, Y.-T. LIN, N. KUSHIDA, S.M. JESUS and P. NIELSEN, "T.wave propagation from the Pacific to the Atlantic: The 2020 Mw7.4 Kermadec Trench earthquake case", (abstract), J. of the Acoust. Soc. of Am. Exp. Let, Vol.1(12), (pdf), December (doi).

* R. DUARTE and O.C. RODRIGUEZ, "PAM2Py – Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Python", (abstract), Training session on EMSO Time Series Conf. Observing Ocean Sound, Gran Canaria (Spain), (zip) 20-22 October.

* S.M. JESUS and P. SANTOS "Introduction to ocean particle velocity and measurement techniques", (abstract), Training session on EMSO Time Series Conf. Observing Ocean Sound, Gran Canaria (Spain), (zip) 20-22 October.

* T.C.A. OLIVEIRA, Y-T LIN, N. KUSHIDA, S. JESUS and P. NIELSEN, "Propagation from the Pacific to the Atlantic of T-phases by a Kermadec Trench earthquake", (abstract), EMSO Time Series Conf. Observing Ocean Sound, Gran Canaria (Spain), (poster) 20-22 October.

* F.A. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic Vector Sensors Underwater Communications in the Makai Experiment", (abstract), Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol.44(1), 070029 (pdf), November (doi).

* O.C. RODRIGUEZ, R. DUARTE and S.M. JESUS, "PAM2Py: a Python tool for sharing of ocean soundscape data", (abstract), Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol.44(1), 070011 (pdf), October (doi).

* F.B. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "Double wiener low SNR communications in an upwelling environment", (abstract), Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol.44(1), 070026 (pdf) November (doi).

* F.B. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "The effects of upwelling over low SNR communications in shallow water", (abstract), IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2021, (pdf) October (doi).

* R. DUARTE, G. SPADONI, C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, "Anthropogenic noise predictions for light seismic survey off the SW Portuguese coast", (abstract), IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2021, (pdf) October (doi).

* F.B. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "Double wiener low SNR communications in an upwelling environment", (abstract), Proceedings of UACE - Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition (Greece), 20-25 June.

* O.C. RODRIGUEZ, R. DUARTE and S.M. JESUS, "PAM2Py: a Python tool for sharing of ocean soundscape data", (abstract), Proceedings of UACE - Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition (Greece), 20-25 June.

* F.A. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic Vector Sensors Underwater Communications in the Makai Experiment", (abstract), UACE - Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition (Greece) 20-25 June, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. (POMA), 44, 070029 (pdf), (doi).

* A. SIROVIC, K. EVANS, C. GARCIA-SOTO, J.A. HILDEBRAND, S.M. JESUS and J.H. MILLER, "Trends in inputs of anthropogenic noise into the marine environment", (abstract), Chapter 20, World Ocean Assessment II, Volume II p.297-320, United Nations, New York (USA), (pdf) April 2021.


* F.A. BOZZI and S.M. JESUS, "Vector Sensor Beam Steering for Underwater Acoustic Communications", (abstract), Proceedings of the 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 7-11 December (pdf) (online Acoustics Virtually Everywhere) (doi).

* F.B. LOUZA and H.A. DeFERRARI, "Superimposed training low probability of detection underwater communications", (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, Vol 148(3), pp. EL273-EL278, (pdf) September (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, F.C. XAVIER, R.P. VIO, J. OSOWSKY, M.V. SIMÕES, and E.B.F. NETTO, ''Particle motion measurements near a rocky shore off Cabo Frio Island'', (abstract) Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.147(6), pp.4009-4019, (pdf), June (doi).

* R. CALAZAN, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Numerical Enhancements and Parallel GPU Implementation of a 3D Gaussian Beam Model", (abstract), ICCSA2020 - Int. Conference on Computational Science and Applications, Cagliari (Italy), July.

* C. SOARES, R. DUARTE, M.A. SILVA, M. ROMAGOSA and S.M. JESUS, "Shipping noise in the Azores: a threat to the Faial-Pico cetacean community ?'' (abstract) Int. Conf. on Underwater Acoustics - ICUA'2020, (pdf), Southampton (UK), September (doi).

* R. SABARA, C. SOARES, F. ZABEL, J.V. OLIVEIRA and S.M. JESUS, "Automatic acoustic target detection and classification off the coast of Portugal'' (abstract) IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2020, (pdf), October (doi).

* F. LOUZA and S.M. JESUS, "Coherence as a criterion for multichannel combining in low SNR communications in an upwelling environment'' (abstract) IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2020, (pdf), October (doi).

* C. SOARES, R. DUARTE, F. ZABEL, M. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Shipping noise predictions from AIS in the Faial-Pico area, Azores archipelago'' (abstract) IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2020, (pdf), October (doi).

* X. CHENG, O.C. RODRIGUEZ, L. ZHANG, "3D underwater source localization based on parabolic equation model combined with matched-field processing technology'' (abstract) IEEE/MTS Global Oceans'2020, (pdf), October (online).


* V. DAUMAS and A. PROUCHET, "Passive detection of cetaceans from seismic antennas towed by AUVs”, PFE stage report Ecole Navale (Brest, France), (pdf), November.

* S.M. JESUS, "Ocean noise: a new global stressor ?" CIMA workshop "Stress in the ocean", University of Algarve, Faro, (pdf), November.

* S.M. JESUS, "JONAS: the Azores test case preliminary noise assessment", iFADO workshop, Horta (Faial, Azores), (pdf), October.

* M. MARTINS, C.F. FARIA, T. MATOS, L. GONÇALVES, J. CABRAL, A. SILVA and S. JESUS, "Wideband and Wide Beam Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) Acoustic Transducer for Broadband Underwater Communications", (abstract), Sensors, vol. 19, 3991 (pdf), September (doi).

* A.P. HUGHES, A.J. SILVA and O.C. RODRIGUEZ, "Monostatic Versus Bistatic SONAR Evaluation with a Backscattering Acoustic Propagation Model", (abstract) Proc. INCREaSE, Monteiro J. et al. (eds), Springer, Cham, (pdf) October (doi).

* O.C. RODRIGUEZ, A.J. SILVA, A.P. HUGHES, and A.C. MOREIRA, "Underwater sonar as a ray tracing problem", (abstract) Proc. INCREaSE, Monteiro J. et al. (eds), Springer, Cham, (pdf) October (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, J.P. SILVA, S.M. JESUS, A.J. SILVA, J.M. SILVA, R. SANTOS, H. FERREIRA and P.POUSÃO, "Tank and field experiments of short-range acoustic propagation throughout a seagrass canopy'' (abstract) IEEE/MTS Oceans Seattle (USA), (pdf), October.

* R.M. CALAZAN, V.J. BARROSO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Upwelling effect on acoustic propagation in the Cabo Frio Island Bay", (abstract), Int. Conference on Acoustics (ICA'19), Aachen (Germany), September (invited).

* S.M. JESUS, F.C. XAVIER, J. OSOWSKY, R.P. VIO, M.V SIMÕES and E.B. NETTO, "Acoustic particle velocity measurements near a rochy shore off Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), Conf. on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Den Haag (The Netherlands), (poster and speed talk) July.

* F.C. XAVIER, L. CALADO, N.G. SILVEIRA, L.P NAVAL-XAVIER, E.B.F. NETTO, A.D. KASSUGA and S.M. JESUS, "The influence of the upwelling regime in rocky shore bioacoustic signature off Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), Conf. on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Den Haag (The Netherlands), (poster and speed talk) July.

* F.C. XAVIER, L. CALADO, N.G. SILVEIRA, R.G. MENEZES, E.B.F. NETTO, A.D. KASSUGA and S.M. JESUS, "A nonlinear model for rocky shore bioacoustic signature off the Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), Conf. on The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Den Haag (The Netherlands), (poster and speed talk) July.

* H. GAZZAH and S.M. JESUS, "Closed-Form Estimation of Normal Modes from a Partially Sampled Water Column", (abstract), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.45(4), pp.1574-1582 (pdf), October 2020 (doi).

* L.P. MAIA, F.C. XAVIER, J. OSOWSKY, R.P. VIO and S.M. JESUS, "The influence of upwelling in underwater communications off Cabo Frio island", (abstract), Underwater Acoustics Conf. (UACE'19), Hersonissos (Greece), (pdf) June (invited).

* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, A.G. GUARINO, J. OSOWSKY, R.B. FlORENCIO, R. P. VIO, E.B.F. NETTO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Year round rocky shore soundscape off the Island of Cabo Frio", (abstract), Underwater Acoustics Conf. (UACE'19), Hersonissos (Greece), June (invited).

* H. GAZZAH and S.M. JESUS, "High-Resolution Closed-Form Estimation of Normal Mode Parameters of a Partially Sampled Water Column", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2019, Marseille (France), (pdf), June.

* M.S. MARTINS, C.L. FARIA, T. MATOS, L.M. GONÇALVES, A. SILVA, S.M. JESUS and N. CRUZ, "Performance evaçuation of a PVDF hydrophone for deep sea applications", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2019, Marseille (France), (pdf) June.

* F.B.LOUZA, L.P. MAIA, V. BARROSO, J.OSOWSKY, M.V. SIMÕES, F.C. XAVIER, E.E. VALE, R. VIO and S.M. JESUS, "Communications and Biological Monitoring Experiment in an Upwelling Environment at Cabo Frio Island Bay", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2019, Marseille (France), (pdf) June.

* P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic pressure and particle velocity for spatial filtering of bottom arrivals", (abstract), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol 44, Issue 1, pp.179-192 (pdf), January (doi).


* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, L. CALADO and S.M. JESUS, "A influência da ressurgência costeira na assinatura bioacústica da Ilha de Cabo Frio, Arraial do Cabo, RJ", (abstract), XIII ETAS - Encontro de Tecnologia em Acústica Submarine, IpQM, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), (pdf), November.

* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, L. CALADO, E.B. NETTO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Rock shore bio-acoustic signature in Cabo Frio Island", (abstract), XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica-TECNIACUSTICA'18, Cadiz (Spain), October.

* R.M. CALAZAN, "Numerical enhancements and parallel GPU implementation of the TRACEO3D model", (abstract), PhD report, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.

* L. MAIA, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Sustained underwater acoustic communications with environmental-based time-reversal", (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, Vol.144(4), pp.EL262-EL267, (pdf), October (doi).

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS, F. ZABEL and A. MATOS, "Azimuth angle estimation using a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor with active and passive underwater signals", (abstract), SENSORCOMM'2018, Venice (Italy), (pdf), September.

* R. CALAZAN and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "GPU-Based 3D Eigenray Search for Underwater Acoustic Predictions", Ciencia 2018, Lisboa, (pdf), July (poster).

* F.C. XAVIER, N.G. SILVEIRA, E.B. NETTO, M.V. SIMÕES and S.M. JESUS, "Soundscape of benthic fauna off Cabo Frio Island under upwelling regime", (abstract), 2nd Oceanoise Asia Conference, Hakodate (Japan), June.

* R.M. CALAZAN and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Simplex Based Three-Dimensional Eigenray Search for Underwater Predictions", (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143 (4), pp.2059-2065, (pdf), April (doi).

* J.P. SILVA, "Acoustic methods for assessment of bubbles produced by marine plants'', (abstract), MsC report, University of Algarve, (pdf), April.

* L. CALADO, O.C.RODRÍGUEZ, G. CODATO and F. CONTRERA, "Upwelling regime off the Cabo Frio region in Brazil and impact on acoustic propagation", (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, 143, EL174-EL180, (pdf), March (doi).

* M.M. MARQUES, M. GATTA. M. BARRETO, V. LOBO, A. MATOS, B. FERREIRA, P,SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS, F. ZABEL, R. MENDONÇA and F. MARQUES, "Assessment of a shallow water area in the Tagus estuary using Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (or AUV's), vector-sensors, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, and Quadcopters – REX’17", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2018, Kobe (Japan), (pdf), May.

* P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, F. ZABEL, S.M. JESUS, L. SEBASTIÃO and A. PASCOAL, "An AUV mounted vector-sensor for seismic surveying", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2018, Kobe (Japan), (pdf), May, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, J.P. SILVA, J. SILVA, R. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, "Background noise in areas covered by marine plants in the Ria Formosa lagoon during the summer", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2018, Kobe (Japan), (pdf), May, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, "Field testing of the dual accelerometer vector-sensor mounted on an AUV for geophysical estimation", (abstract), ICONS'18, Kochin (India), February (invited).

* S.M. JESUS, "Sensor Array Optimization for Seismic Estimation via Structured Sparse Inversion", (abstract), Int. Conf. EECCMC, Chettiyappanour (India), (pdf), January.


* R.M. CALAZAN and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Three-Dimensional Eigenray Search for a Vertical Line Array'', (abstract), UACE'2017, Skyathos (Greece), (pdf), September.

* L.P. MAIA, "Environmental model-based time-reversal underwater communications'', (abstract), PhD report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, S.M. JESUS and L. SEBASTIÃO, ''Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor mounted on an AUV – Experimental Results'' (abstract) in Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Acoustical Society of America, (pdf), July (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ, J.P. SILVA, S.M. JESUS, H. QUENTAL-FERREIRA, P. POUSÃO-FERREIRA, M.E. CUNHA, C.B. de los SANTOS, I. OLIVÉ and R. SANTOS, ''Monitoring bubble production in a seagrass meadow using a source of opportunity'' (abstract) in Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Acoustical Society of America, (pdf), July (doi).

* B. C. PINHEIRO, U. F. MORENO, J. T. B. DE SOUSA and O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Kernel-functions-based models for acoustic localization of underwater vehicles", (abstract), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol.42(3), pp.603-618, (pdf), July (doi).

* A.B. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Towards passive acoustic ocean tomography using shipping noise", Ciencia 2017, Lisboa, (pdf), July (poster).

* L.P. MAIA, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Environmental-based passive time-reversal in underwater communications", Ciencia 2017, Lisboa, (pdf), July (poster).

* R.M. CALAZAN, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and N. NEDJAH, "Parallel Ray Tracing for Underwater Acoustic Predictions", (abstract), Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10404. Springer, (pdf), July (doi).

* C. CHO, H.C. SONG, P. HURSKY and S.M. JESUS, "Iterative range estimation in a sloping-bottom shallow-water waveguide using the generalized array invariant", (abstract), J. Acoustical Society of America, vol.142, No.1, pp.55-60, (pdf), June. (doi).

* L.P. MAIA, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Environmental Model-Based Time-Reversal Underwater Communications", (abstract), IEEE Access, (pdf), Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 10041-10051, August, (doi).

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, S.M. JESUS and L. SEBASTIÃO, "Testing of the Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor mounted on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", (abstract), Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition -UACE'2017, Skyathos (Greece), (pdf), September (invited)

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES and F. ZABEL, "Target detection in a AIS modeled shipping noise field off the west coast of Portugal", (abstract), Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition - UACE'2017, Skyathos (Greece), September (invited)

* S.M. JESUS, D. MIHAI and J. DEL RIO, "Acoustic observations with the EMSO Generic Instrument Module", (abstract), Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition - UACE'2017, Skyathos (Greece), September.

* A. MANTOUKA, P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, F. ZABEL, M. SALEIRO, S.M. JESUS and L. SEBASTIÃO, "Development and testing of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor for AUV acoustic surveys", (abstract), Sensors, vol 17(6), pp.1328 (pdf), June (doi).

* L.P. MAIA, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Experimental results of environmental-based passive time reversal in underwater communications", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* M.S. MARTINS, C. BARARDO, T. MATOS, L.M. GONÇALVES, J. CABRAL, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "High frequency wide beam PVDF ultrasonic projector for underwater communications", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* A.B. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Using shipping noise for sound speed inversion in coastal areas", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* P. FELISBERTO, J.P. SILVA, A.J. SILVA, S.M. JESUS, C.B. de los SANTOS, I OLIVÉ, R. SANTOS, H. QUENTAL-FERREIRA, P. POUSÃO-FERREIRA and M.E. CUNHA, "Acoustic detection of bubbles in a pond covered by the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa", (abstract), IEEE MTS/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES and F. ZABEL, "Shipping noise field calibration via source inversion", (abstract), IEEE MTS/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS, A. MANTOUKA and P. FELISBERTO, "Seismoacoustic bottom inversion with AUV towed streamers: a multi-stage approach", (abstract), IEEE MTS/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* A. MANTOUKA, P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, S.M. JESUS, L. SEBASTIÃO and A. PASCOAL, "The Application of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor for the Discrimination of Seismic Reflections", (abstract), IEEE MTS/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* S.M. JESUS, A. MANTOUKA, P. FELISBERTO and C. SOARES, "On the performance of geo-acoustic estimation", (abstract), IEEE MTS/OES Oceans'2017, Aberdeen (UK), (pdf), June.

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ, J.P. SILVA, S.M. JESUS, H. QUENTAL-FERREIRA, P. POUSÃO-FERREIRA, M.E. CUNHA, C.B. de los SANTOS, I. OLIVÉ and R. SANTOS, ''Monitoring bubble production in a seagrass meadow using a source of opportunity'' (abstract) Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston (USA), June (invited).

* O. RODRÍGUEZ, F. STURM, M.B. PORTER and P.S. PETROV, ''Three-dimensional model benchmarking for cross-slope wedge propagation'' (abstract) Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston (USA), (pdf) June (invited) (doi) .

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, S.M. JESUS and L. SEBASTIÃO, ''Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor mounted on an AUV – Experimental Results'', (abstract) Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston (USA), June.

* R. M. CALAZAN and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, ''TRACEO3D Ray Tracing Model for Underwater Noise Predictions'', (abstract) DoCEIS 2017, Technological Innovation for Smart Systems. Edited by Camarinha-Matos L., Parreira-Rocha M., Ramezani J. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 499. Springer, (pdf), May (doi).


* A. MANTOUKA, P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, D. MASLOV, F. ZABEL, M. SALEIRO, S.M. JESUS and L. SEBASTIÃO, "Development and testing of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor for AUV acoustic surveys", (abstract), 3rd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, (pdf), 15-30 November.

* S.M. JESUS, F. ZABEL and C. SOARES, "MSFD D11 in Portugal: status and perspectives", (abstract), Serenade'2016, ENSTA, Brest (France), October (invited).

* H. GAZZAH, J.P. DELMAS and S.M. JESUS, "Direction finding arrays of directional sensors for randomly located sources", (abstract), IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, (pdf), Vol.52(4), pp.1995-2003, August (doi).

* R.M. CALAZAN and O.C. RODRIGUEZ, "TRACEO3D ray tracing model and its parallel implementation", Ciencia 2016, Lisboa, (pdf), July (poster).

* A.B. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Towards passive acoustic ocean tomography using shipping noise", Ciencia 2016, Lisboa, (pdf), July (poster).

* L.P. MAIA, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "On equalization for mobile digital acoustic underwater communications", Ciencia 2016, Lisboa, (pdf), July (poster).

* P. ABREU, G. ANTONELLI, F. ARRICHIELLO, A. CAFAZ, A. CAITI, G. CASALINO, N. VOLPI, I. BIELIC de JONG, D. DE PALMA, H. DUARTE, J. GOMES, J. GRIMSDALE, G. INDIVERI, S. JESUS, K. KEBKAL, E. KELHOLT, A. PASCOAL, D. POLANI, L. POLLINI, E. SIMETTI and A. TURETTA, "Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology: an overview of the H2020 WiMUST project", (abstract), Journal of Marine Technology Society, Vol.50(4), pp.42-53, (pdf), July.

*G. INDIVERI, G. ANTONELLI, F. ARRICHIELLO, A. CAFAZ, A. CAITI, G. CASALINO, N. VOLPI, I. BIELIC de JONG, D. DE PALMA, H. DUARTE, J. GOMES, J. GRIMSDALE, S. JESUS, K. KEBKAL, E. KELHOLT, A. PASCOAL, D. POLANI, L. POLLINI, E. SIMETTI and A. TURETTA, "Overview and first year progress of the Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology H2020 project", (abstract), 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, (CAMS 2016), Trondheim (Norway), (pdf), September.

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P. SANTOS, F. ZABEL and S.M. JESUS, "Using passive acoustics for monitoring seagrass beds", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2016, Monterey (USA), (pdf), September.

* P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, D. MASLOV and S.M. JESUS, "Combining pressure and particle velocity sensors for seismic processing", (abstract), MTS/IEEE/OES Oceans'2016, Monterey (USA), (pdf), September.

* S.M. JESUS, P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, Y. WU, A.B. SANTOS and C. SOARES, "Passive acoustics: a global tool for ocean monitoring and exploration", (abstract), 9th Iberian Acoustics Congress and 47th Spanish Congress on Acoustics (Euroregio 2016), Porto (Portugal), June (invited).

* G. ANTONELLI, A. CAFFAZ, G. CASALINO, I. BIELIC de JONG, H. DUARTE, J. GRIMSDALE, G. INDIVERI, S. JESUS, K. KEBKAL, A. PASCOAL, D. POLANI and L. POLLINI, "The Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology (WiMUST) H2020 project: first year status", (abstract), MTS/IEEE Oceans'16, Shanghai (China), (pdf), April.

* A.B SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic channel frequency response estimation using sources of opportunity", (abstract), IEEE/OES China Oceans Acoustics, COA'2016, Harbin (China), (pdf), January.

* Y. WU, A.B SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Close range ship noise cross correlations with a vector sensor in view of geoacoustic inversion", (abstract), IEEE/OES China Oceans Acoustics, COA'2016, Harbin (China), (pdf), January.

* S.M. JESUS, "Distributed sensor array for bottom inversion", (abstract), IEEE/OES China Oceans Acoustics, COA'2016, Harbin (China), (pdf), January (doi).


* S.M. JESUS, "Bottom inversion with an ensemble of moving receivers: a sensitivity study", (abstract), in Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition - UACE'15, Cania (Greece), June (invited).

* N. MARTINS, ''Acoustic-oceanographic data fusion for prediction of oceanic acoustic fields'', (abstract), PhD defense, University of Algarve, (pdf), June.

* L. MAIA, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS "A perspective for time-varying channel compensation with model-based adaptive passive time-reversal", (abstract), Sensors & Transducers, vol.189 (6), pp.89-96, (pdf) June.

* F. MARIN, "Tomografia acústica oceânica por tempo de percurso model em águas rasas" (in portuguese), (abstract), PhD Thesis, COPPE / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), (pdf) May.

* C. SOARES, F. ZABEL and S.M. JESUS, "A shipping noise prediction tool", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE Oceans'15, Genova (Italy), (pdf), May.

* H. AL-KHATIB, G. ANTONELLI, A. CAFFAZ, A. CAITI, G. CASALINO, I. BIELIC de JONG, H. DUARTE, G. INDIVERI , S. JESUS, K. KEBKKAL, A. PASCOAL, D. POLANI, "The Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology (WiMUST) project: an overview", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE Oceans'15, Genova (Italy), (pdf) May (invited).

* H. AL-KHATIB, G. ANTONELLI, A. CAFFAZ, A. CAITI, G. CASALINO, I. BIELIC de JONG, H. DUARTE, G. INDIVERI , S. JESUS, K. KEBKKAL, A. PASCOAL, D. POLANI, "Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles within the Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology (WiMUST) Project: an overview", (abstract), IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, NGCUV2015, Girona (Spain), (pdf), April (invited).

* H. GAZZAH, J.P. DELMAS and S.M. JESUS, "Improved direction finding using a maneuverable array of directional sensors", (abstract), in Proc. 40th ICASSP, Brisbane (Australia), (pdf), April.

* L. MAIA, S.M. JESUS and A. SILVA, "Time-variant adaptive passive time-reversal equalise and a perspective for environmental focusing method", (abstract), in Proc. of SENSORNETS'15, pp. 103-108, Angers (France), (pdf), February.

* S.M. JESUS, S. IJAZ and A. SILVA, "Path specific Doppler compensation in time-reversal communications", (abstract), in Journal Acoust. Soc. America - Express Letters, Vol137(4), pp. EL300-EL306 (pdf), March (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS, F. ZABEL, R. SANTOS, J. SILVA, S. GOBERT, S. BEER, M. BJORK, S. MAZZUCA, G. PROACCINI, J. RUNCIE, W. CHAMPENOIS and A.V. BORGES, "Acoustic monitoring of O2 production of a seagrass meadow", (abstract), J. of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 464, pp. 75-87, (pdf), March (doi).


* S.M. JESUS, "Matched-field techniques in active and passive ocean acoustic monitoring", (abstract), Serenade'2014, Grenoble (France), November (invited).

* G. INDIVERI, J.P. GOMES and the WiMUST consortium, "Geophysical Surveying with Marine Networked Mobile Robotic Systems: The WiMUST Project", (abstract), in WUWNet'2014, No. 46 ACM New York, NY, USA 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3277-4, (pdf), November (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P. FELISBERTO and C. SOARES, "Passive acoustics as a global tool for ocean monitoring and exploration", (abstract), in Mathematics and Engineering in Marine and Earth Problems, Aveiro (Portugal), July (invited).

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P. SANTOS, F. ZABEL and S.M. JESUS, "Variability of ambient noise over a seagrass bed", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, St. Johns, NL, (Canada), (pdf), September.

* A. SILVA, A. MATOS, C. SOARES, J. ALVES, J. VALENTE, F. ZABEL, H. CABRAL, N. ABREU, N. CRUZ, R. ALMEIDA, R. FERREIRA, S. IJAZ and V. LOBO, "Measuring underwater noise with high endurance surface and underwater autonomous vehicles", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, St. Johns, NL, (Canada), (pdf), September.

* P. MÓNICA, A. MARTINS, A. OLIVIER, A. MATOS, J. ALMEIDA, N. CRUZ, J. ALVES, H. SALGADO, L. PESSOA, P. JORGE, R. CAMPOS, M. RICARDO, C. PINHO, A. SILVA, S. JESUS and E. SILVA, "TEC4SEA - A Modular Platform for Research, Test and Validation of Technologies Supporting a Sustainable Blue Economy", (abstract), in MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference, St. Johns, NL, (Canada), (pdf), September.

* U. VILAIPORNSAWAI, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Experimental testing of Asymmetric Underwater Acoustic Networks", (abstract), in Proc. Int. Conf. Communications and Electronics ICCE 2014, pp.118-123, Da Nang (Vietnam), (pdf), July (doi).

* A.B. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Inferring ocean temperature variations from shipping noise", (abstract), in Underwater Acoustic Conference, Rhodes (Greece), (pdf), June.

* P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P. SANTOS, S.M. JESUS, W. CHAMPENOIS, A.V. BORGES and R. SANTOS, "Correlation between the acoustic noise field measured in a Posidonia Oceanica bed and the photosynthetic activity", in GHER Colloquium on Low Oxygen environments in marine, estuarine and fresh waters, Liége (Belgium), (pdf), May (poster).

* P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P. SANTOS, S.M. JESUS, W. CHAMPENOIS, A.V. BORGES and R. SANTOS, "Using active and passive acoustics to assess O2 production of a Posidonia Oceanica meadow", Workshop Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, Responses and Management, Olhão (Portugal), (pdf), March (poster).


* E. EY, "Adaptation of an acoustic propagation model to the parallel architecture of a graphics processor", (abstract), Master thesis in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISE, University of Algarve, (pdf), December.

* S.M. JESUS, "Underwater acoustic communications: from point-to-point to networks", (abstract), keynote speaker at the XXXI Conference of the Brazilian Society of Telecommunications, SBRT13, Fortaleza, Brazil, September (invited).

* O.C RODRÍGUEZ, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Ocean acoustic propagation modelling in the vicinity of submerged structures", (abstract), presentation in GDS, Marine Systems for Ocean Exploration and Exploitation: Theory and Practice, Lisboa, September (invited).

* A. CAITI, K. GRYTHE, J.M. HOVEM, S.M. JESUS, A. LIE, A. MUNAFÒ, T.A. REINEN, A. SILVA and F. ZABEL, ''Linking Acoustic Communications and network performance: integration and experimentation of an Underwater Acoustic Network", (abstract), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 38 No.4, p.758-771, (pdf), October (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P.J. SANTOS, E. EY and S.M. JESUS, '' Experimental results of underwater cooperative source localization using a single acoustic vector sensor'', (abstract), Sensors, Vol.13, Issue 7, pp.8856-8878, (pdf), July (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, J. SCHNEIDERWIND, P. SANTOS, O. RODRÍGUEZ, S.M. JESUS, "Comparing the resolution of Bartlett and MVDR processors for bottom parameter estimation using pressure and vector sensor short array data", (abstract), in Proc. of IEEE Oceans'2013, Bergen (Norway), (pdf), June (doi).

* S. MAZZUCA, M. BJORK, S. BEER, P. FELISBERTO, S. GOBERT, G. PROACCINI, J. RUNCIE, J. SILVA, A.V. BORGES, C. BRUNET, P. BUAPET, W. CHAMPENOIS, M. COSTA, D. D'ESPOSITO, M. GULLSTROM, P. LEJEUNE, G. LEPOINT, I. OLIVÉ, L. RASMUNSSON, J. RICHIR, M. RUOCCO,, I.A. SERRA, A. SPADAFORA and R. SANTOS, "Establishing research strategies, methodologies and technologies to link genomics and proteomics to seagrass productivity, community metabolism and ecosystem carbon fluxes", (abstract), in Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol. 4, 38, (pdf), February (doi).

* G. CODATO, L. CALADO, N.E. MARTINS, W.D. WATANABE, R.M. DOMINGUES and S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic prediction using a feature-oriented regional modeling system and acoustic inversion ", (abstract), in Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) of the Acoustical Society of America, No.17, 070052 (pdf), January (doi).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, P. FELISBERTO, E. EY, J. SCHNEIDERWIND and S.M. JESUS, "Vector sensor geoacoustic estimation with standard arrays", (abstract), in Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) of the Acoustical Society of America, No. 17, 070087 (pdf), January (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Estimating the multipath structure of an underwater channel using a single vector sensor", (abstract), in Proc. of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA) of the Acoustical Society of America, no.17, 070086 (pdf), January (doi).


* P.J. SANTOS, ''Ocean Parameter Estimation with High-Frequency signals using a Vector Sensor Array'', (abstract), PhD Thesis, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* S.M. JESUS, ''Environmental-friendly Underwater Acoustic Communication and Networks'', (abstract), Keynote speaker at UCOMMS'12 Conference, (pdf), Sestri Levante (Italy), September.

* S. IJAZ, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ''Arrival-Based Equalizer for Underwater Communication Systems'', (abstract), UCOMMS'12 Conference, (pdf), Sestri Levante (Italy), September.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, J. COLLINS, H. SIMPSON, E. EY, J. SCHNEIDERWIND and P. FELISBERTO, ``Seismo-acoustic ray model benchmarking against experimental tank data", (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132, No.2, pp.709-717, (pdf), August, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic monitoring of the oxygen production of a seagrass meadow", (abstract), Proc. 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh (Scotland), July.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, P. FELISBERTO, E. EY, J. SCHNEIDERWIND and S.M. JESUS, "Vector sensor geoacoustic estimation with standard arrays", (abstract), Proc. 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh (Scotland), (pdf), July.

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Estimating the multipath structure of an underwater channel using a single vector sensor", (abstract), Proc. 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh (Scotland), (pdf), July.

* S. IJAZ, A. SILVA, and S.M. JESUS, "Arrival-Based Equalizer for Underwater Communication Systems", (abstract), Proc. 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh (Scotland), July.

* A. CAITI, T. HUSOY, S.M. JESUS, I. KARASALO, R. MASSIMELLI, A. MUNAFÒ, T.A. REINEN and A. SILVA, "Underwater Acoustic Networks: the FP7 UAN project", (abstract), in IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 9 (Part 1), pp. 220-225, Arenzano (Italy), July (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, ''An integrated vision for environmental monitoring and the role of acoustic communication networks'', (abstract), (invited) SERENADE'2012, Grenoble (France), April.

* P. FELISBERTO, P.J. SANTOS, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, ''The vertical pressure gradient in geoacoustic inversion'', (abstract), (invited) )SERENADE'2012, Grenoble (France), April.

* S. IJAZ, ''Arrival-Based Equalizer for Underwater Communication Systems'', (abstract), MsC thesis, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* S. IJAZ, A. SILVA, and S.M. JESUS, "Potential of Vertical Line Array Beamforming in Underwater Acoustic Communications", (abstract), in X Encontro de Tecnologia Acústica Submarina - ETAS, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), November (pdf), November.

* G.A.S. CODATO, W.B. WATANABE, L. CALADO, N. MARTINS and A.E.A. RAMOS, "A Influência da Frente Térmica da Ressurgência Costeira de Cabo Frio na Perda do Sinal Acústico: Um Estudo Numérico", (abstract), in X Encontro de Tecnologia Acústica Submarina - ETAS, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), November.

* C. SOARES, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, ''Acoustic Observatories for Ocean Tomography: geometries and multi-array Matched-Field Tomography'', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), pp. 1-8, June, (doi).

* A. CAITI, P. FELISBERTO, T. HUSOY, S.M. JESUS, I. KARASALO, R. MASSIMELLI, T.A. REINEN and A. SILVA ''UAN - Underwater Acoustic Network'', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), June, (doi).

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, J. JOÃO and S.M. JESUS, ''Geometric and Seabed parameter estimation using a Vector Sensor Array – Experimental results from Makai experiment 2005''(abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), June, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ, P. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, ''On the usage of the particle velocity field for bottom characterization'', (abstract), in Proc. Int. Conf. on Underwater Acoustic Measurements, Kos (Greece), (pdf), June.

* N. MARTINS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, ''Acoustic field calibration for noise prediction: the CALCOM'10 data set '', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), June, (doi).

* A. SILVA, S.M. JESUS and J.P. GOMES, ''Probe timing optimization for time-reversal underwater communications'', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), pp. 1-8, June, (doi).

* U. VILAIPORNSAWAI, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ''Underwater communications for moving source using geometry-adapted time reversal and DFE: UAN10 data'', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), pp. 1-7, June, (doi).

* S. IJAZ, A. SILVA, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, ''Doppler domain decomposition of the underwater acoustic channel arriving paths for the CALCOM'10 experiment'', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), pp. 1-7, June, (doi).

* P. CARO and A. SILVA, ''Unmanned localization of sperm whales in realistic scenarios'', (abstract), in Proc. OCEANS'11, Santander (Spain), (pdf), pp. 1-6, June, (doi).

* A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ''A post-detection maximum ratio combiner: experimental assessment on high diversity underwater channels'' (abstract), (invited) in Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WoSSPA), Tipaza (Algeria), (pdf), pp. 335-338, May, (doi).

* J. GOMES, C.R. BERGER and A. SILVA, " Demodulation of Underwater OFDM Transmissions by Time Reversal and Basis Pursuit Methods", (abstract), in Proc. European Wireless 2011, Vienna (Austria), (pdf), April, (doi:).

* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and A. SILVA ``Design of a UAN node capable of high-data rate transmission'', (abstract), Sea Technology, Vol.52, No.3, pp.32-36, (pdf), March.


* N. MARTINS and S. M. JESUS, "From oceanographic to acoustic forecasting: acoustic model calibration using in situ acoustic measures", (abstract), IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina - IX ETAS, Arraial do Cabo (Brasil), (pdf), November.

* S. I. SIDDIQUI, A.J. SILVA and S. M. JESUS, "Doppler domain decomposition of the underwater acoustic channel arriving paths for the CALCOM'10 experiment", (abstract), IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina - IX ETAS, Arraial do Cabo (Brasil), (pdf), November.

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS, J. JOÃO, "Experimental Results of Geometric and Geoacoustic Parameter Estimation Using a Vector Sensor Array", (abstract), IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina - IX ETAS, Arraial do Cabo (Brasil), (pdf), November.

* P. FELISBERTO, N. MARTINS and S.M. JESUS, "Field Calibration a Tool for Acoustic Noise Prediction: the CALCOM'10 data set", (abstract), IX Encontro de Tecnologia Acustica Submarina - IX ETAS, Arraial do Cabo (Brasil), (pdf), November.

* P. SANTOS, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, ``Seabed geoacoustic characterization with a vector sensor array", (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, No.5, pp.2652-2663, (pdf), November, (doi).

* L.G. GUIMARÃES, C.E. PARENTE, S.M. JESUS and O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Analysis of sound propagation in the Southwest Coast of Portugal Eddies", Meeting of the Americas, Iguassu Falls (Brazil), August.

* N. MARTINS, L. CALADO, A.C. de PAULA and S.M. JESUS, "Classification of three-dimensional ocean features using three-dimensional empirical orthogonal functions", (abstract), in Proc. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul (Turkey), (pdf), July.

* A. SILVA, O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, F. ZABEL, J. HUILLERY, S. M. JESUS, "Underwater Acoustic simulations with a time variable acoustic propagation model", (abstract), in Proc. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul (Turkey), (pdf), July.

* O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, A. J. SILVA, J.P. GOMES, S. M. JESUS, "Modeling arrival scattering due to surface roughness", (abstract), in Proc. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul (Turkey), (pdf), July.

* O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, A. J. SILVA, F. ZABEL, S. M. JESUS, "The TV-APM interface: a web service for collaborative modelling", (abstract), in Proc. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul (Turkey), (pdf), July.

* U. VILAIPORNSAWAI, A. SILVA and S.M.JESUS, "Combined adaptive time reversal and DFE technique for time-varying underwater communications", (abstract), in Proc. 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Istanbul (Turkey), (pdf), July.

* S. IJAZ, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, "Compensating for source depth change and observing surface waves using underwater communication signals", (abstract), in Proc. Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Venice (Italy), (pdf), pp. 462-467, July, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, "Tracking source azimuth using a single vector sensor", (abstract), in Proc. Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Venice (Italy), (pdf), pp. 416-421, July, (doi).

* L.G. GUIMARÃES, C.E. PARENTE, S.M. JESUS and O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Analysis of sound propagation in the Southwest Coast of Portugal eddies", 72th Conference of the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Barcelona (Spain), June ( poster ).

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Vector Sensor Arrays in Underwater Acoustic Applications", (abstract), in Proc. DoCEIS'10, Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Lisboa (Portugal), (pdf), February, (doi).

* A. SILVA, F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS, S. IJAZ and S.M. JESUS, "An environmental equalizer for underwater acoustic communications Tested at Hydralab III'', (abstract), at Hydralab III Joint User Meeting, (pdf), Hannover (Germany), February.


* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, P. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, ''Modelização acústica submarina de alta frequência baseada em traçamento de raios: revisão teórica e aplicações actuais", (abstract) VIII ETAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, (pdf), November (invited).

* L.G. GUIMARÂES, C.E. PARENTE, S.M. JESUS and O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Modelagem acústica para a presença de vórtices na costa sudoeste de Portugal", in VIII ETAS, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), November.

* N.E. MARTINS and S.M. JESUS, ''Bayesian acoustic prediction assimilating oceanographic and acoustically inverted data'', (abstract), Journal of Marine Systems, Vol.78, Supplement 1, pp. S349-S358, (pdf) November, (doi).

* A. OQUINA, ''Modelling underwater acoustic noise as a tool for coastal management'', (abstract), Erasmus Mundus MsC thesis, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.

* L.G. GUIMARÃES, C.E. PARENTE, S.M. JESUS and O. C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Propagação acústica em águas profundas na presenca de massas d'águas de mesoescala na costa sudoeste de Portugal", in 11ht Conference of the Brasilian Geophysical Society, Salvador (Brasil), August.

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, O. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M.JESUS, ''Geoacoustic Matched-field Inversion using a Vector Sensor Array", (abstract) in Int. Conf. on Underwater Acoustic Measurements, Nafplion (Greece) (pdf), June.

* A.SILVA, J. HUILLERY and S.M. JESUS, "Multi-node processing for asymmetrical communications in underwater acoustic networks'', (abstract) IEEE International Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUnderNet), (Bradford, UK) (pdf), pp. 1136-1141, May, (doi)

* A. SILVA, ``Environmental-based Underwater Communications'', (abstract) PhD thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, (pdf), March.


* J. GOMES, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ``Adaptive spatial combining for passive time-reversed communications'', (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, (pdf) 124(2), pp. 1038-1053, August, (doi).

* J.P. GOMES, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ''OFDM Demodulation in Underwater Time-Reversed Shortned Channels'' (abstract) OCEANS'08, Quebec, Canada, (pdf), pp. 1-8, September, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS and O. RODRÍGUEZ, ''A time-reversal suboptimal detector for underwater acoustic barriers'', (abstract) OCEANS'08, Quebec, Canada, (pdf), pp. 1-7, September (doi).

* J.P. GOMES, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ''Experimental assessment of time-reversed OFDM underwater communications'' (abstract) Proc. ACOUSTICS'08, Paris, France, June (pdf), joint with The Acoustical Society of America, Vol.123 (issue 5), pp.3891 (invited), (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES and N. MARTINS, ''Water column tomographic inversion with a network of drifting buoys'' (abstract) Proc. ACOUSTICS'08, Paris, France, joint with The Acoustical Society of America, Vol.123 (issue 5), pp.3582, ()invited), June, (doi).

* J.C. LEGAC, J-P. HERMAND and S.M. JESUS, ''Medium frequency (800-1600Hz) geoacoustic inversions with drifting sparse arrays during the MREA/BP'07 experiment'', (abstract) Proc. ACOUSTICS'08, Paris, France, June (invited).

* N. MARTINS, C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, "Environmental and Acoustic Assessment: the AOB concept", (abstract) Journal of Marine Systems, vol 69, pp. 114-125, (pdf), January, (doi).


* C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS and E. COELHO, ``Environmental Inversion Using High-Resolution Matched-Field Processing'', ( abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.122(6), p.3391-3404, (pdf), December, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, A.J. SILVA and O. RODRÍGUEZ, ''High frequency in underwater acoustics: theory, simulations and experiments'', (abstract) VII ETAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, (pdf), November (invited).

* S.M. JESUS, J.-P. HERMAND and J.-C. LEGAC, ''A buoy network system for acoustic monitoring'', (abstract) Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Conference, La Spezia, Italy, (pdf), September (invited).

* C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, ``Real-time environmental inversion using a network of light receiving systems'', (abstract) Martech Conference, Barcelona, Spain, (pdf), November.

* C. SOARES, F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS, A. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ``The Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy: a light acoustic data acquisition system'', (abstract) Martech Conference, Barcelona, Spain, (pdf), November.

* P.J. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, ``Estimating bottom properties with a Vector Sensor Array during the Makai 2005 experiment'', (abstract) Martech Conference, Barcelona, Spain, (pdf), November.

* P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS and P. RELVAS ``Acoustic inversion of the cold water filaments off the Southwest coast of Portugal.'', (abstract) in Proc. OCEANS'07, Vancouver (BC, Canada), (pdf), pp. 1-7, October, (doi).

* A. SILVA, S.M. JESUS and J.P. GOMES ``Environmental equalizer for underwater communications'', (abstract) in Proc. OCEANS'07, Vancouver (BC, Canada), (pdf), pp. 1-7, October, (doi).

* J.P. GOMES, A. SILVA and S. JESUS, ``Performance analysis of multichannel lattice equalization in coherent underwater communications'', (abstract) in Proc. OCEANS'07, Vancouver (BC, Canada), (pdf), pp. 1-8, October, (doi).

* C. SOARES, ``Broadband Matched-Field Tomography using simplified Acoustic Systems'', (abstract) PhD thesis, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.

* S.M. JESUS, ``Active acoustic time-reversal for underwater acoustic barriers'', (abstract) 153rd Meeting of the ASA, vol. 121, No.5, Pt.2, pp.3204, Salt Lake City, USA, May.

* P.J. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and P. HURSKY, ``Source localization with a Vector Sensor Array during the Makai Experiment'', (abstract) in Proc. Underwater Acoustic Measurements, pp. 985-990, Heraklion, Greece, (pdf), June.

* A.J. SILVA, S.M. JESUS and J.P. GOMES, ``Passive Time Reversal Probe-Signal Capture Optimization for Underwater Communications'', (abstract) in Proc. Underwater Acoustic Measurements, pp. 1371-1376, Heraklion, Greece, (pdf), June.

* A.J. SILVA, S.M. JESUS and J.P. GOMES, ``Acoustic array depth and range shift compensation by using a waveguide invariant property'', (abstract) in Proc. Underwater Acoustic Measurements, pp. 1315-1320, Heraklion, Greece, (pdf), June.


* A. CAITI, N. ROSS CHAPMAN, J.-P. HERMAND and S.M. JESUS, Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water Environment - Inversion Methods and Experiments, (abstract) Springer.

* J.P. GOMES, A. SILVA and S. JESUS, ``Joint Passive Time Reversal and Multichannel Equalization for Underwater Communications'', (abstract) in Proc. OCEANS'06, Boston (USA), (pdf), pp. 1-6, September, (doi).

* N. MARTINS, S.M. JESUS, ``Blind estimation of the ocean acoustic channel by time-frequency processing'', (abstract) IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol.31(3), pp.646-656, (pdf), June, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, A. SILVA, J.-P. HERMAND and E. COELHO, "AOB - Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy: concept and feasibility", (abstract) in Underwater Defence Technology European Conference (UDT'06) 2006, Hamburg, Germany, (pdf), June.

* P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS " An hybrid acoustic-oceanographic method for estimating the spatial distribution of sound", (abstract) in Proc. European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA) 2006, pp. 663-668, Carvoeiro, Portugal, (pdf), June.

* C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, "Matched-field tomography using an Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy", (abstract) in Proc. European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA) 2006, pp. 717-722, Carvoeiro, Portugal, (pdf), June.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, E. COELHO and P. PICCO, ``An Experimental Demonstration of Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography'', (abstract) Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(3), pp. 1420-1431, (pdf), March, (doi).

* A. SILVA, F. ZABEL and C. MARTINS, ``Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy: a telemetry system that meets rapid environmental assessment requirements'', (abstract) Sea Technology, Vol. 47, No.9, pp.15 - 20, (pdf), September.


* A. BUSCH and R. CALAIS, ``Data Communications in Shallow Water'', (abstract),Stage Report, Ecole Navale, Brest, France, SiPLAB, Univ. of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* P. FELISBERTO, "Data Assimilation Applied to Ocean Acoustic Tomography", (abstract) Ph.D. thesis, University of Algarve, (pdf), April.


* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES and N. MARTINS, "Acoustic Rapid Environmental Assessment: the AOB concept", (abstract) in Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment Workshop, NURC, La Spezia, Italy, December.

* P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Mapeamento espacial de perturbações da temperatura do oceano por integração sistemática de dados acústicos e medições in-situ", (abstract) in Jornadas do Mar: um Oceano de Oportunidades, Escola Naval, Lisboa, (pdf), November.

* C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, "Processamento por ajuste de campo em acústica submarina e aplicações", (abstract) in Jornadas do Mar: um Oceano de Oportunidades, Escola Naval, Lisboa, (pdf), November.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, A.J. SILVA, J.-P. HERMAND and E.F. COELHO, "AOB - an easily deployable, reconfigurable and multifunctional acoustic-oceanographic system", (abstract) in 148th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, USA, (pdf), November.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, ``Range dependent tomography of internal tides with relative arrivals'', (abstract) Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational and Experimental Eng. Sciences, Madeira, Portugal, (pdf), July.

* C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS, A.J. SILVA and E. COELHO, ``Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2003 sea trial'',(abstract) in Proc. of ECUA'04, Delft, The Netherlands, (pdf), July.

* C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS and E. COELHO, ``Shallow water tomography in a highly variable scenario'', (abstract) in Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water Environment, Ischia, Italy, (pdf), June.

* P. FELISBERTO, C. LOPES and S.M. JESUS, "An autonomous system for ocean acoustic tomography", (abstract) Sea Technology, Vol. 45, No.4, pp. 17-23, (pdf) April.

* S.M. JESUS and A.J. SILVA, ``Time reversal and spatial diversity: issues in a time varying geometry test'', (abstract) in Proc. of Conference on High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, San Diego, USA, (pdf), March.


* P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN and X. DEMOULIN, "Shallow water tomography with a sparse array during the INTIMATE'98 sea trial", (abstract) Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans'2003, San Diego (USA), (pdf), pp. 571-575, vol. 1, September, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS and C. SOARES, "Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography with Source Spectrum Estimation", (abstract) Proc. Int. Conf. on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, pp. 211-220, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), (pdf), August.

* V. CORRÉ and S.M. JESUS, "Tracking of cold water upwelling filaments in the ocean using matched field inversion", (abstract) ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA, Vol.89, pp. 604-613, (pdf), August.

* E. DE MARINIS, A. CRISE, O. GASPARINI, S.M. JESUS, P. PICCO and S. SALON, "Passive Ocean Acoustic Tomography: results from the INTIMATE'00 and TOMPACO projects", (abstract) EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 5, 01211, European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, (pdf) April.

* C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, ``Broadband Matched-Field Processing: coherent vs. incoherent approaches'', (abstract) Journal of Acoust. Soc. Am., vol.113(5), pp. 2587-2598, (pdf) May, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, "''Model-based correlators: interesting cases in shallow water acoustics.'', (abstract) New Acoustics Selected Topics, Ed.Ranz-Guerra and Gallego-Juarez, CSIC, Madrid (book chapter) ( pdf ), March.


* A. TOLSTOY, S.M. JESUS and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Tidal MFP inversion for water depth and source range in the Intimate96 Test", (abstract) ASA Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, ( pdf ) December.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Range-dependent regularization of travel-time tomography based on theoretical modes'', (abstract) ACTA ACUSTICA, vol.88, p.760-762, (pdf) November.

* M. PALMESE, A. BOZZO, S.M. JESUS, J. ONOFRE, P. PICCO and A. TRUCCO, "Observation of Acoustical Signal Fluctuations by Time-Frequency Analysis Methods", (abstract) ACTA ACUSTICA, vol.88, p.653-657, (pdf) November.

* S.M. JESUS, "Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography and TOMPACO'', Workshop on "Ocean Acoustic Tomography: results and perspectives", (abstract) ENEA, Lerici (Italy), (pdf) November (invited).

* S.M. JESUS, "Model-based inverse problems in underwater acoustics", (abstract) Workshop on Inverse Obstacle Problems (WIOP'02), Lisboa, Portugal, (pdf) November (invited).

* C. SOARES, M. SIDERIUS and S.M. JESUS, "Source localization in a time-varying ocean waveguide", (abstract), Journal Acoust. Soc. America, Vol. 112(5), pp. 1879 - 1889, (pdf), December, (doi).

* A.J. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ``Underwater Communications Using Virtual Time Reversal in a Variable Geometry Channel'', (abstract) in Proc. IEEE/MTS Oceans'2002, Biloxi (USA), (pdf), pp. 2416-2421, vol. 4, October, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS and A.J. SILVA, ``Virtual Time - Reversal in Underwater Communications: Results on the INTIFANTE'00 Sea Trial", (abstract) Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, Spain, (pdf), September (invited).

* A. TOLSTOY, S.M. JESUS and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Tidal effects on MFP via the INTIMATE'96 test", (abstract) Acoustic Variability Conf., pp. 457-464, Lerici, Italy, (pdf) September.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, J. ONOFRE, E.F. COELHO and P. PICCO, "Experimental testing of the Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography concept", (abstract) Acoustic Variability Conf., pp.433-440, Lerici, Italy, (pdf) September.

* N.E. MARTINS and S.M. JESUS, ``Blind Channel Estimation with Data from the INTIMATE'96 sea trial'', (abstract) MED'2002, Lisboa, Portugal, (pdf), June.

* E. DE MARINIS, O. GASPARINI, P. PICCO, S.M. JESUS, A. CRISE and S. SALON, "Passive Ocean Acoustic Tomography: theory and experiment", (abstract) ECUA'02, pp.497-502, Gdansk, Poland, (pdf), June.

* M. PALMESE, A. BOZZO, S.M. JESUS, J. ONOFRE, P. PICCO and A. TRUCCO, "Observation of Acoustical Signal Fluctuations by Time-Frequency Analysis Methods", (abstract), ECUA'02, Gdansk, Poland, (pdf) June.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ and S.M. JESUS, "Range-dependent regularization of travel-time tomography based on theoretical modes'', (abstract) ECUA'02, Gdansk, Poland, (pdf) June.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, J. ONOFRE and P. PICCO, "Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography: experimental results on the INTIFANTE'00 data set'' (abstract) ECUA'02, Gdansk, Poland, (pdf) June (invited).

* N. MARTINS, S.M. JESUS, C. GERVAISE and A. QUINQUIS, ``Time-Frequency approach to multipath underwater channel deconvolution'', (abstract), ICASSP'02, Orlando, USA, (pdf) pp. II-1225-II-1228, vol.2, May, (doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2002.5744022).


* N. MARTINS, "A Time-Frequency Approach to Blind Deconvolution in Multipath Underwater Channels", (abstract), MSc thesis Report, SiPLAB, Univ. of Algarve, November.

* S.M. JESUS and C. SOARES, "Broadband MFP: coherent vs. incoherent", (abstract), Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001, pp.776-781, vol2, Hawai, (USA) (pdf), November, (doi) (invited).

* C. SOARES, M. SIDERIUS and S.M. JESUS, "MFP source localization in the Strait of Sicily", (abstract), Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001, pp.2530-2535, Hawai, USA, (pdf), November, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, E.F. COELHO, J. ONOFRE, P. PICCO, C. SOARES and C. LOPES, "The INTIFANTE'00 sea trial: preliminary source localization and ocean tomography data analysis", (abstract), Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001, pp.40-45, Hawai, USA, (pdf), pp. 40-45, vol.1, November, (doi).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Ocean Acoustic Tomography Applied to the Estimation of Internal Tides in the Continental Platform", (abstract) PhD thesis report, Univ. of Algarve, July.

* C. SOARES, "Matched-Field Processing: Acoustic Focalization with Data Taken in a Shallow Water Area of the Strait of Sicily", (abstract), MsC Thesis Report, SiPLAB, Univ. of Algarve, May.

* C. GERVAISE, A. QUINQUIS, and N. MARTINS, ``Time-frequency approach to the study of underwater acoustic channel estimation and source reconstruction'', (pdf) in Physics in Signal and Image Processing, Marseille, France, pp.300--5, January.


* C. LOPES, ''Underwater Acoustic Data Acquisition Equipment: Assembly and Testing'', ( dams pdf) Graduation Project Report ESC, SiPLAB - University of Algarve, December.

* C. PENCHENAT, "Source localization with a vertical array: INTIMATE'98 experiment", Projet de Fin d'Etudes ENSIETA, SiPLAB.

* S.M. JESUS M., M.B. PORTER, Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN, RODRÍGUEZ O. and E.F. COELHO, ``Single hydrophone source localization'', (abstract), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, (pdf), vol.25, No.3, pp. 337-346, (doi).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN, M.B. PORTER and E.F. COELHO, ``Nonlinear Soliton Interaction with Acoustic Signals: Focusing effects'', (abstract), Journal of Computational Acoustics, vol.8, no.2, pp.347-363 (pdf), (doi).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ e S.M. JESUS,``Physical limitations of travel time based shallow water tomography'' (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 108(6), pp. 2816-2822, (pdf), December, (doi).

* A. SILVA, J. GOMES, S.M. JESUS e V. BARROSO, ''Underwater Acoustic Communication Using a Time-Reversal Mirror Approach'', (abstract), 5th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Lyon, (pdf), France.

* X. DEMOULIN, L. PELISSERO, Y. STEPHAN, S.M. JESUS, M.B. PORTER and E.F. COELHO, (abstract), 5th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Lyon, (pdf) France.

* S.M. JESUS, M.B. PORTER, Y. STEPHAN, E.F. COELHO, O.C. RODRÍGUEZ e X. DÈMOULIN, ''Single sensor source localization in a range dependent environment'', (abstract), Proc.MTS/IEEE Oceans 2000, Providence, USA (invited) (pdf), pp. 865-868, vol. 2, September, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic Tomography: a tool for understanding the ocean", Workshop on Marine Technology, Expo'2000, Hannover, Germany (invited).

* S.M. JESUS, "Optimal and sub-optimal matched field correlators", Workshop em Acustica Submarina, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (invited).

* M. JESUS, "Aproximaciones de Arboles de Steiner Mediante Algoritmos Geneticos", Tese de doutorado, Univ. de Sevilla, Spain, September (pdf).


* M.B. PORTER, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, X. DÈMOULIN, E.F. COELHO, ``Using the echo pattern to range a sound source'', (abstract), Proc. of First International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, (pdf) Paris.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, S.M. JESUS, M.B. PORTER, Y. STEPHAN, X. DÈMOULIN and E.F. COELHO, ``Dynamics of acoustic propagation through a soliton wave packet: observations from the INTIMATE'96 experiment'', (abstract) in Experimental Acoustics Inversion Methods for Exploration of the Shallow Water Environment, Ed.Caiti, Hermand, Jesus and Porter, KLUWER (pdf).

* Y. STEPHAN, T. FOLEGOT, X. DÈMOULIN, M.B. PORTER, S.M. JESUS e E. COELHO, ''The interaction of Sound and Tides'', (abstract) in Experimental Acoustics Inversion Methods for Exploration of the Shallow Water Environment, Ed.Caiti, Hermand, Jesus and Porter, KLUWER (pdf).

* M.B. PORTER, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN and E.COELHO, ``Tidal effects on source inversion'', (abstract) in Experimental Acoustics Inversion Methods for Exploration of the Shallow Water Environment , Ed.Caiti, Hermand, Jesus and Porter, KLUWER (pdf).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN, M.B. PORTER and E. COELHO, ``Nonlinear soliton interaction with acoustic signals: focusing effects'', Int. Conf. on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Trieste.

* M. JESUS, S.M. JESUS and A. MÁRQUEZ, ``Optimización de Algoritmos Genéticos en el Processamiento de Árboles de Steiner'', (abstract) VIII Encuentros de Geometria Computacional, Castellón - Spain, (pdf).

* C. SOARES, A. WALDHORST and S.M. JESUS, ``Matched Field Processing: Environmental Focusing and Source Tracking with Application to North Elba Data Set'', (abstract), MTS/IEEE OCEANS'99, Seattle, USA (pdf), pp. 1598-1602, vol.3, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, ``Internal Tide Measurements with Acoustic Tomography Experiments (INTIMATE)'', SACLANTCEN SCNR Meeting, La Spezia, Italy (invited).

* N. PINTO and C. JEAN, ''Bearing Estimation with a Deformed Towed Array'', Projet de Fin d'Etudes at SiPLAB, ENSIETA, Brest, France.

* S.M. JESUS, ''Localização de fontes acústicas em águas pouco profundas'', (abstract), IV Encontro de Tecnologia em Acústica Submarina, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (invited) (pdf)..


* S.M. JESUS, ``Can maximum-likelihood estimators improve genetic algorithm search in geoacoustic inversion ?'', (abstract), Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol.6, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 73-82 (pdf), (doi).

* M.B. PORTER, Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN, S.M. JESUS and E.F. COELHO, ``Shallow-water tracking in the sea Nazaré'', (abstract), Underwater Technology'98, IEEE Ocean Engineering Society, Tokyo, Japan (pdf), pp. 29-34, (doi).

* S.M. JESUS, M.B. PORTER, Y. STEPHAN, E.F. COELHO and DEMOULIN X, ``Broadband localization with a single hydrophone'', (abstract), OCEANS'98, Nice, France (pdf), pp. 1078-1082, vol.2, (doi).

* A.J. SILVA and S.M. JESUS, ``Using normal mode channel structure for narrowband underwater communications in shallow water'', (abstract), OCEANS'98, Nice, France (pdf), pp. 1033-1037, vol.2, (doi).

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, M.B. PORTER, E.F. COELHO, ``Internal tide acoustic tomography: reliability of the normal modes expansion as a possible basis for solving the inverse problem'', (abstract), 4th European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 587-592, Rome, Italy (pdf).

* M.B. PORTER, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, E.F. COELHO, X. DEMOULIN, ``Single-hydrophone source tracking in a variable environment'', (abstract(, 4th European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics, pp 575-580, Rome, Italy (pdf),.

* R. SANTOS, ''Estimação da Forma de uma Antena Horizontal Rebocada Utilizando Filtros de Kalman'', Graduation Project Report ESC, UCEH - University of Algarve.

* C. SOARES, "Matched-Field Processing: Broadband Maximum-likelihood Environmental inversion and source localization with application to Sonar data taken in the Mediterrenean Sea", Graduation Project Report Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, July.

* A.J. SILVA, ''Utilização de Modelos de Propagação em Comunicações Acústicas Submarinas'', (abstract), MsC Thesis, UCEH - University of Algarve, (pdf), Junho.


* M.B. PORTER, S.M. JESUS, Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN and E.F. COELHO, ``Exploting reliable features of the cean channel response'', (abstract), Proc. of WAC'97, Beijing (pdf), September.

* COELHO E., JESUS S., STEPHAN Y., DEMOULIN X. and PORTER M., ``Intimate '96: Shallow water tomography n the Sea of the Condemned', (abstract), 133th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Penn State, Pennsylvania, (USA), Vol.111, No.5, Pt.2, p.3015-3016, (pdf), June, (doi).

* X. DEMOULIN, Y. STEPHAN, S.M. JESUS, E.F. COELHO and M.B. PORTER,``INTIMATE96: a shallow water tomography experiment devoted to the study of internal tides'', (abstract),Proc. of SWAC'97, Beijing (pdf), September.

* E.F. COELHO, S.M. JESUS, M.B. PORTER and Y. STEPHAN, ``One-way active tracking in the INTIMATE 96 Experiment'', EAST Symposium, Seattle, Washington.


* S.M. JESUS and A. CAITI, ``Estimating geoacoustic bottom properties from towed array data'', (abstract0, Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol.4, No. 3, p.273-290, (pdf), November, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO e S.M. JESUS, ``Towed array beamforming during ship's maneuvering'', (abstract), IEE Proc. Radar, Sonar and Navigation, vol. 143, no. 3, p. 210-215 (pdf), June, (doi).

* A. CAITI e S.M. JESUS, ``Acoustic estimation of seafloor parameters: a Radial Basis Functions approach.'', (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , Vol. 100(3), p. 1473-1481 (pdf), July, (doi).

* A. CAITI, S.M. JESUS e A. KRISTENSEN, ``Geoacoustic seafloor exploration with a towed array in a shallow water area of the Strait of Sicily'', (abstract), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, (pdf - in color), Vol.21, No. 4, pp. 355-366, (doi).

* P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, ``Towed array plane and non-planewave beamforming under ship's maneuvering'', (abstract) 3rd European Conf. Underwater Acoustics, Heraklion, Greece (pdf), July.

* O. LOTSBERG and S.M. JESUS, ``Matched-field inversion of geoacoustic properties from towed array data in shallow water'', (abstract) 3rd European Conf. Underwater Acoustics, Heraklion, Greece, (pdf),July.

* A. CAITI, S.M. JESUS and A. KRISTENSEN, ``Geoacoustic seafloor exploration with a towed array in a shallow water area of the Strait of Sicily'', OCEANS'96 Conference, Ft. Lauderdale (USA), pp. 156-161, vol. 1, September, (doi).

* Y. STEPHAN, X. DEMOULIN, S.M. JESUS, E.F. COELHO e M.B. PORTER, ``Internal tide impact measured by an acoustic tomography experiment'', (abstract), 132nd Meeting da Acoustical Society of America, Hawaii, (pdf) USA, (doi).

* E.F. COELHO, S.M. JESUS, M.B. PORTER and Y. STEPHAN, ``Preliminary acoustic results from the INTIMATE 96 shallow water tomography experiment'', ONR/ARPA Shallow-water Acoustic Workshop, Washington DC.

* S.M. JESUS e M.B. PORTER, ``Shallow water tomography for internal tide estimation: preliminary results of INTIMATE'96.'', SACLANTCEN SCNR Meeting, (pdf), Lisboa.

* P. FELISBERTO, ``Impacto da deformação de uma antena horizontal na direccionalidade do campo acústico submarino'', (abstract), MsC Thesis, EST - Universidade do Algarve, (pdf), Junho.


* S.M. JESUS and A. CAITI, ``Geophysical seafloor exploration with a towed array in shallow water'', (abstract) 2nd MAST Days and EUROMAR Market Conference, Sorrento, Italy (pdf), September.

* S.M. JESUS e M.C. JESUS, ``On bottom properties estimation from towed array data'', (abstract) Conf. on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Hawaii, (pdf) USA.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, ``Modelos de Propagação Acústica Submarina: comparação de resultados com a solução analítica do problema de 3 camadas'', (abstract) MsC Thesis, UCEH - University of Algarve, (pdf)


* S.M. JESUS ``A sensitivity study for full-field inversion of geoacoustic data with a towed array in shallow water'' (abstract) Full field Inversion Methods in Ocean and Seismo-Acoustics, O. Diachock, A. Caiti, P. Gerstoft and H. Schmidt (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 103-108, (pdf), July.

* S.M. JESUS ``A sensitivity study for full-field inversion of geoacoustic data with a towed array in shallow water'', (abstract) 2nd European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics, Copenhagen, L. Bjorno (ed.), pp 899-904, (pdf), June.

* S.M. JESUS, P. FELISBERTO and E.F. COELHO, ``Towed array geometry estimation during ship's moneuvering'', (abstract) Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, No. 5, Pt. 2, 4aUW14 (pdf).


* S.M. JESUS, ``Broadband matched-field processing of transient signals in shallow water'', (abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 93(4), Pt.1, pp. 1841-1850, (pdf), (doi).


* S.M. JESUS ``Broadband matched-field processing of transient signals in shallow water'', (abstract) Proc. of the First European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ISBN 185166-948-5), Luxembourg, pp. 582-585, (pdf) September.

Technical reports:


* R. DUARTE, S.M. JESUS and A. SILVA, "K2D - Knowledge and Data from the DeepSpace: D4.3 - preliminary “on the fly” data analysis implementation and test", (abstract), Rep. 02/23, SiPLAB Report, CINTAL, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.

* R. DUARTE, S.M. JESUS and A. SILVA, "K2D - Knowledge and Data from the DeepSpace: D4.2 - Exploratory Acoustic Data Analysis", (abstract), Rep. 01/23, SiPLAB Report, CINTAL, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* S.M. JESUS, R. DUARTE, I. CASCÃO, M. ROMAGOSA and M.A. SILVA, ''AZORES'22 Sea Trial Data Report'', (abstract), Rep. 03/22, SiPLAB Report, CINTAL, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* F. BOZZI, F. ZABEL, F. LOUZA, G. SPADONI, R. DUARTE, D. POZZATTI and S.M. JESUS, ''Vector sensor engineering test EMSO'21'', (abstract), Rep. 02/22, SiPLAB Report, CINTAL, University of Algarve, (pdf), February.

* S.M. JESUS and A. SILVA, "K2D - Knowledge and Data from the DeepSpace: D4.1 - Environmental and system scenario description", (abstract), Rep. 01/22, SiPLAB Report, CINTAL, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* S.M. JESUS and A. SILVA, "K2D - Knowledge and Data from the DeepSpace: D1.1 - System specification and conceptualization at global scale", (abstract), Rep. 01/21, SiPLAB Report, CINTAL, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.


* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor (DAVS2) at the Alfeite Arsenal Tank", (abstract), Rep. 05/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July (draft stage).

* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration of a Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor", (abstract), Rep. 04/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.

* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration methods for Vector Sensors", (abstract), Rep. 03/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.

* N. PINTO and S.M. JESUS, "DAVS User Manual", (abstract), Rep. 02/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), user examples (zip), March.

* S.M. JESUS and A.P. HUGHES, "Data report of the EPPO’2019 experiment: acoustic detection of fish behavior", (abstract), Rep. 01/20, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* S.M. JESUS, "A simple detector for passive acoustic monitoring of ocean noise", (abstract), Rep. 04/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), December.

* S.M. JESUS, "Acoustic pressure and particle motion power spectrum estimation with Matlab", (abstract), Rep. 03/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October (Revised February 15, 2020).

* S.M. JESUS, L. MAIA, F. XAVIER, R. VIO and E. VALE, "BIOCOM’19 experiment data report: particle motion measurements", (abstract), Rep. 02/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* J.P. SILVA, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "STARESO experiment: short range acoustic propagation and backscatter data", (abstract), Rep. 01/19, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), April.


* J.P. SILVA and P. FELISBERTO, "EPPO Tank Experiments - May, June and July 2017 experiment data report", (abstract), Rep. 05/18, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* J. PHILIPPINE, "Study and implementation of bubbles size distribution estimation method applied to marine plant monitoring", (abstract), Rep. 04/18, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), May.

* F. ZABEL, P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO and S.M. JESUS, "Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor (DAVS): design, build and test", (abstract), Rep. 03/18, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), April.

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, S.M. JESUS and A. MATOS, "Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor (DAVS) - REX'17 Sea Trial Data Report", (abstract), Rep. 02/18, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), February.

* S.M. JESUS, " FOT - a tool for geoacoustic survey planning and resources optimization", (abstract), Rep. 01/18, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* A. MANTOUKA, P. FELISBERTO, C. SOARES, F. ZABEL and S.M. JESUS, "WiMUST'17 Sines Trial: Seismic data report", (abstract), Rep. 07/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* S.M. JESUS, "Passive target detection in a AIS modelled shipping noise field off the West coast of Portugal", (abstract), Rep. 06/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* P. FELISBERTO and J.P. SILVA, "RIA'17 - July 2017 Experiment Data Report", (abstract), Rep. 05/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), August.

* A. MANTOUKA, P. FELISBERTO, P. SANTOS, F. ZABEL, and S.M. JESUS, "Calibration of Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor at the Arsenal Tank", (abstract), Rep. 04/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), April.

* C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS, A. MANTOUKA and P. FELISBERTO "Matched-field inversion of seismic synthetic data with a short horizontal array", (abstract), Rep. 03/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), February.

* P. SANTOS, P. FELISBERTO, A. MANTOUKA, F. ZABEL, S.M. JESUS and L. SEBASTIÃO, "Dual Accelerometer Vector Sensor - Lisbon Experiment Data Report", (abstract), Rep. 02/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), February.

* A. MANTOUKA, S.M. JESUS, F. ZABEL, P. FELISBERTO and P. SANTOS, "Sines Trial Nov.2016: Seismic data", (abstract), Rep. 01/17, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), February.


* P. FELISBERTO, J. SILVA and A. SILVA, "EPPO preliminary tank experiment: data report", (abstract), Rep. 03/16, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), August.

* A. MANTOUKA, S.M. JESUS and F. ZABEL, "WiMUST Engineering Trial: AUV self noise and MF / HF compatibility", (abstract), Rep. 02/16, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.

* D. MASLOV, P. FELISBERTO, P.J. SANTOS and S.M. JESUS, "Vector Sensor Array Prototype (VSAP): Project plan", (abstract), Rep. 01/16, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), February.


* F. ZABEL, "Vector Sensor Acquisition System (VSAS): Project plan", (abstract), Rep. 02/15, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), December.


* S.M. JESUS and F. ZABEL, "EDELWEIS'14: Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy Data", (abstract), Rep. 02/14, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.


* P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL, O. RODRÍGUEZ and P. SANTOS, "SENSOCEANS’13 sea trial - Data report", (abstract) Rep. 04/13, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), August.

* B. JIANG, ``Vector sensor array processing and geoacoustic inversion with MAKAI'05 sea trial data'', (abstract) Rep. 03/13, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), August.


* E. Ey and O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, ``cTraceo User Manual'', (abstract) Rep. 02/12, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* P. FELISBERTO, F. ZABEL and C. MARTINS, ``Seagrass Workshop Sea Trial Data Report'', (abstract) Rep. 04/11, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* U. VILAIPORNSAWAI, A. SILVA, F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and S.M. JESUS, ``UAN11 experiment: P2P communications'', (abstract) Rep. 03/11, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), October.

* U. VILAIPORNSAWAI, A. SILVA, S.M. JESUS, F. ZABEL and C. MARTINS ``UAN'10 Engineering Test: P2P Communications'', (abstract) Rep. 02/11, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.


U. VILAIPORNSAWAI and A. SILVA, ``UAN Engineering Test: P2P Communications'', (abstract), Rep. 05/10, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf) November.

* P. FELISBERTO, S.M. JESUS and F. ZABEL, ``CALCOM'10 Sea Trial - Field calibration data report'', (abstract) Rep. 04/10, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and A.SILVA, ``UAN - Subsurface Telemetry Unit (STU)'', (abstract) Rep. 03/10, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.

* M. SALEIRO, ``Acoustic Emission and Reception Unit (AERU)'', (abstract) Rep. 02/10, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS, ``UAN - Fixed Sub-Surface Nodes (project plan)'', (abstract) Rep. 08/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), December.

* C. MARTINS and F. ZABEL, ``UAN Subsurface Telemetry Unit: Laboratory Tests'', (abstract) Rep. 07/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.

* L. LAIB, F. ZABEL and A. SILVA, ``UAN Telemetry Unit: Mooring Simulation'', (abstract) Rep. 06/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.

* M. SALEIRO, ``Portable Acoustic Source Unit (PASU)'', (abstract) Rep. 05/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), March.

* M. SALEIRO, ``Releaser operation manual'', (abstract) Rep. 04/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.

* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and A.SILVA, ``UAN - Telemetry Unit (Project Plan)'', (abstract) Rep. 03/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.

* P.J. SANTOS, ``Matched Field Processing with a Vector Sensor Array", (abstract) Rep. 02/09, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), January.


* P.J. SANTOS, ``Vector Sensor Array Data Report: Makai Ex 2005", (abstract) Rep. 02/08, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), March.


* S.M. JESUS, A. SILVA, C. MARTINS and F. ZABEL, ``Underwater Acoustic Barrier 2007 UAB'07 Part A: the Hopavagen Bay'', (abstract) Rep. 05/07, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), December.

* C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS, P. HURSKY, T. FOLEGOT, C. MARTINS, F. ZABEL, L. QUARESMA, DONG-SHAN KO and E.F. COELHO, ``Random Array of Drifting Acoustic Receivers (RADAR'07)'', (abstract) Rep. 04/07, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf ), December.

* S.M. JESUS, C. MARTINS and F. ZABEL, ``Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment / Blue Planet'07: Acoustic Oceanographic Buoys Data Report'', (abstract) Rep. 03/07, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf ), August.

* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS, S.M. JESUS and A.SILVA, ``TRA - Transmit Receive Array (project plan - version 2)'', (abstract) Rep. 02/07, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf ), March.


* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS, S.M. JESUS and A.SILVA, ``TRA - Transmit Receive Array (project plan)'', (abstract) Rep. 05/06, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.

* F. ZABEL and C. MARTINS, ``RBR Thermistors array for AOB2'', (abstract), Rep. 04/06, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), September.

* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and A. SILVA, ``Analog 16-hydrophone vertical line array for the Acoustic - Oceanographic Buoy - AOB'', (abstract) Rep. 03/06, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, ( pdf ), August.

* N. MARTINS, ``Estimation of anisotropic temperature perturbation statistics of MREA'03 data'', Acoustic - Oceanographic Buoy - AOB'', (abstract) Rep. 02/06, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, ( pdf ), March.


*A.J. SILVA, C. MARTINS, L. FARINHA and C. SOARES, ``Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy (version 1)'', (abstract), Rep. 06/05, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf).

* F. ZABEL, C. MARTINS and A.SILVA ``Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy (version 2)'', (abstract) Rep. 05/05, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, ( pdf ), November.

* S.M. JESUS, A.J. SILVA and F. ZABEL, ``Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy Data Report - Makai Ex 2005'', (abstract) Rep. 04/05, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* P. FELISBERTO, L. FARINHA and C. SOARES, ``Ultra Light Vertical Array Remote Data Acquisition System (ULVA/RDAS version 2)'', (abstract) Rep. 03/05, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, ( pdf ), October.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES, P. FELISBERTO, A. SILVA, L. FARINHA and C. MARTINS, ``Acoustic Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2004 during the MREA'04 sea trial'', (abstract) Rep. 02/05, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), March.


* N. MARTINS, ``Processamento por Adaptação de campo no domínio frequência-Doppler'', (abstract) 02/04-SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), May.


* C. SOARES and S.M. JESUS, ``Range-dependent acoustic tomography: modeling an upwelling filament using an asymmetric Gaussian function'', (abstract), 05/03-SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* S.M. JESUS, C. SOARES and A.J. SILVA, ``Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2003 sea trial'', (abstract) Rep. 04/03, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf), November.

* P. FELISBERTO, C. LOPES and A. CARMO, "Ultra Light Vertical Array / Remote Data Acquisition System", (abstract), Rep. 03/03, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf) April.

* S.M. JESUS and C. SOARES, "Tomografia Passiva Costiera (TOMPACO) - Inversion results with passive data - Phase 3", (abstract) Rep. 02/03, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, ( pdf ), March.


* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Basin Scale Simulations of Ocean Acoustic Tomography in the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone", (abstract), SiPLAB Rep 03/02, University of Algarve, ( pdf), November.

* V. CORRÉ, "Tracking a cold filament with matched-field inversion", (abstract), SiPLAB Rep. 02/02, University of Algarve, (pdf), July.


* S.M. JESUS and C. SOARES ``Tomografia Passiva Costiera - Inversion results with active data - Phase 2'', (abstract) SiPLAB Rep. 06/01, University of Algarve (pdf), December.

* O.C. RODRÍGUEZ, "Hydrodynamical Normal Mode Estimation on the INTIFANTE'00 data set", (abstract), SiPLAB Rep. 04/01, University of Algarve (pdf), November.

* V. CORRÉ, ``Estimation of the Properties of a Range-Dependent Ocean Environment: a Simulation Study'', (abstract), SiPLAB Rep 03/01, University of Algarve (pdf), October.

* S.M. JESUS, A.J. SILVA and C. SOARES, ``INTIFANTE'00 Sea Trial Data Report - Events I,II and III'', (abstract) SiPLAB Rep 02/01, University of Algarve (pdf), May.

* S.M. JESUS ``Tomografia Passiva Costiera - Data Report, Phase 1'', (abstract) SiPLAB Rep 01/01, University of Algarve (pdf), March.


* C. LOPES and C. SOARES, ``Data Acquisition and Monitoring System (DAMS)'', (abstract), Rep 01/00, SiPLAB Report, University of Algarve, (pdf) December.

Recent publications:

elsevier logo Common dolphin's shipping noise risk assessment on the Portuguese coast, Mar. Pol. Bull, 211 117415 [PDF] February. 2025.

Oceans logo Influence of Dolphin-Watching Tourism Vessels on the Whistle Emission Pattern of Common Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphin, Oceans, Vol.5, 770-784 [PDF] 2024.

signals logo Search Space Reduction for Localization and Tracking of an Acoustic Source, Signals, 4 478-488 [PDF] June 2023.

Featured products:

Logo of project JONAS


download zip or github, a Python open source version of the PAMGuide package for Passive Acoustic Monitoring that features the Exchange Data Format (EDF) for facilitated underwater acoustic data sharing and metadata handling. Python allows for a crossplatform licence free processing of raw acoustic data and EDF output. A library of Python routines for EDF data reading and writing are also available. See manual here.

Head wave propagation using Traceo


an efficient Gaussian beam 2D ray tracing model for underwater acoustic propagation, handling full bottom and water column range dependency, obstacle scattering and producing particle velocity outputs. See manual here and download a free copy for Fortran. A C version for linux and/or Windows is available here and for GPU here.